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Regulatory capture on the agri, food product and pharma fronts have fostered and perpetuated conditions that have our fellow citizens waddling toward the Type ll 'betes, Type lll Alzheimered, arterial sclerosed, jabbed and boosted, metabolic train wrecked cliffs of destruction. The past few years have brought home the fact that normie gullibility and shuffling NPCism has dire consequences.

The equation for active longevity and supple physicality not a difficult one: Eat food, not food adjacent products. Move meaningfully and consistently. Recover righteously and properly.

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Probably lost on most but it's pretty evident once they capture the industry it turns predatory. The goal is to ride us into the grave exploiting our appetites all the way.

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Exactly. Once one allows perception to inform perspective and realizes that the stated and admitted goal of massive depopulation is not tin foil hat tom foolery, then all these varied brands of fucktardia and wickedness taking root begin to make sense. But therein lies the rub. Faaaar too many folks are still asleep at the wheel and under mass formation spell of self deception despite what their scales, performance, labs and waistlines show them to be true.