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(I don't hate fat people, I hate that people are fat)

How many people do you know who look like this guy today? Too many.

Warning: Pics in this link may cause you distress.....


(be glad I spared you and didn't post a pic of Lizzo in her thong)

(I don't hate fat people, I hate that people are fat) How many people do you know who look like this guy today? Too many. Warning: Pics in this link may cause you distress..... https://a1facts.com/top-10-fattest-people-in-the-world/ (be glad I spared you and didn't post a pic of Lizzo in her thong)

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

I saw him at Costco yesterday. That picture must be old though, because he's put on some weight since it was taken.

[–] 2 pts

Thank God the science says don't eat fat and sugar is good for you.

[–] 1 pt

Exactly. We can thank Ancel Keyes and our govt for the state of our health.

Fun fact: McDonalds originally used lard to fry french fries -- until they switched to 'healthy' seed oils /sarc

[–] 1 pt

Yep,, so did all the fish and chip shops. Only a very very very small amount go out of their way to fry in lard/ pure beef dripping today.

[–] 0 pt

Yep, our govt, making us all sick

[–] 1 pt

In 1890 you had to be able to walk -- no one was going to carry you to the table and put food into your mouth, which is apparently what happens to today's grossly obese land-whales. How fat you could be was limited by your ability to carry your own weight.

[–] 1 pt

Yes, the linked article is bedridden people who have to have food brought tobthem. Imagine bringing 20,000 calories to a bedridden fatso daily. That's an average of 20 mcdonalds big mac meals a day

[–] 1 pt

Give that man a crystal flute!

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I’ve worked with fitness trainers who were fatter than this guy.

People these days would barely notice his weight, but he’d get cancelled over his insensitive man-spreading though.

He either didn’t eat his feelings, lacked the money to properly do so, or he had to move his body around a lot more than our modern day hawgzillas.

Our woke agenda would get this guy out of that Angus Young outfit and into some Calvin Klein underwear, and launch his brave modeling career with a Times Square ad campaign.

[–] 0 pt

Dude most likely had a pituitary/ genetic hormone issue. anyone with a massive goiter or some other rare issue could become a carnival sideshow act etc.

[–] 0 pt


[–] 1 pt

Thank you. I’m hear for yucks.

My mother in law is fatter.

My wife's sister's soon to be ex husband is fatter.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, that's sad. Doesn't need to be that way......

It's entirely a productnof their personal choices. They made themselves that way.

For the average American carrying an extra 30-50 lbs, I can see some excuse due to the poisons in much of the food we eat. Even basic grains are laced with glyphosate and atrazine. For the two fatties I mentioned, I personally know their lifestyle choices and dietary choices and they are as bad as they can be. Both eat tons of processed garbage, fast food, and do NOTHING to serve their health. Both have had multiple decades of extreme obesity during which they could have changed their ways. Both are social parasites living off of the wealth of our dying society.

[–] 0 pt

Damn! I don't think that's unusual though in the US these days.

I can't imagine allowing myself to get that way....

[–] 0 pt

I disagree… to an extent. We are products of our environment, and when we work 50+ hours a week, convenient food is almost a necessity. Convenient food is full of the shit that makes us fat. One has to be intentional to avoid it, and has to have the knowledge and general distrust of society to seek out that knowledge.

People are raised to be sheep, and are told to trust the government, trust the doctors, Etc. Those two say eat this and that…which is the same shit that makes us fat.

So between lack of time, lack of inclination to distrust, and lack of motivation to change, people shovel down the slop filled with sugar and no nutrition.

so is it their fault that they’re fat? Yes, but…..

[–] 0 pt

American gas stations are the problem in my opinion. Too much quick, easy, and inexpensive carb heavy options available everywhere.

If you want healthy food you have to buy the ingredients at a premium, and spend the time to cook it. It's unfortunate there's no keto fast food places anywhere.

[–] 1 pt

True. I saw a documentary recently on Japan. Even the 7-11s in Japan have healthy to go food (fish, seaweed etc). Very little unhealthy stuff.

We are a culture of lazy gluttons

[–] 0 pt

Jesus god in heaven, i searched it /pic of Lizzo in her thong/ HOLY GOD! my eyes need blech

[–] 0 pt

LMAO! They are promoting her as the new standard of beauty.

[–] 0 pt

What variety of chink wrote this article?

"I hop you enjoy"

Journalism at its finest.

[–] 0 pt

Whats a matter man ?/. You dont enjoy watching a good hop ....