Wait forever while not eating. Report back.
Send that mayo dumpster to Africa.
She decided to have a cheeseburger while she was waiting.
10 cheeseburgers in 5 minutes. Then it stopped waiting and had a diabetic seizure. 2 hours later she recovered and had an XL pizza before getting ready for bed and eating a pint of ice cream and 12 donuts. It then resumed waiting and fell asleep before waking up in the middle of the night with massive diarrhea. The bedsheets were already soiled so she slept in the bathtub.
Then she began waiting again while eating 60 chicken mcnuggets.
The 35000 calories a day have nothing to do with the obesity. I'm sure....
Oh my fucking god I hate fatniggers so much. This type specifically. I suspect it's mostly women. Fat men, in my experience, will just straight up tell you "yeah I'm fat, it's because I love beer and cheeseburgers and I don't give a fuck what you think".
But fat women (and women in general) have to do this mental gymnastics to explain away their obesity and offload their responsibility onto anything or anyone other than themselves.
Where do they think this extra material comes from? Like I imagine they would have to concede that if a person ate literally nothing, they would inevitably end up looking skeletally thin. From there, they would have to concede that if a person ate slightly more than nothing, they would be slightly less thin. You could logically follow this out to its rational conclusion that there must be some number of calories that a person could eat to end up at a normal healthy weight, and that eating in excess of this amount would result in weight gain.
I can't believe I have to get this specific on something like this, but here we are.
And you obviously hate women for not finding her attractive.
Yep. Fat hambeasts like this beached whale always play the "you're fatphobic" card if you decline their desperate attempts to feel normal and date a guy who is 150 lbs less than they are.
350 less... ftfy
Clearly she hasn’t consulted the historical documents. When being her size meant a job in the circus. Genetics haven’t changed, eating habits and exercise did.
The satanic push to turn humans from carnivores to herbivores.
Our bodies can't handle all the plant we now eat.
What most people don't know is that plants are everywhere in out diets.
Alcohol. Soda drinks Bread Chips. Fried chips. Lollies. Pasta. Biscuits/cookies
They will claim Mr fatty eats too much meat with his steak a day. But not include the above as being his actual plant based diet.
And the other important fact people are really in denial over is the fact that plant means sugar and sugar means plant.
Hello? Sugar is made from photosynthesis and plants don't use sugar for food but also to make their structures from bark to leaves to roots to fruit.
Not complicated. Exercise and don't eat piles of junk food. Dumb fat slut.
You can even eat nothing but junk food and still stay thin, provided you don't eat huge amounts of it. Whether you're going to be actually healthy though is a different story.
1945 Germany.
the africans with big bellies that are starving have air in their stomaches not food. such a fat fuck should be an acronym used for these retards
It's truly amazing that people can remain obese while only eating 1200 Calories/day
First law of thermodynamics BTFO
It's true, I only eat sticks and twigs and I'm way overweight.
Nope, I lied, I eat way too much garbage.
The denial is strong in this one...
I could lock her up, but then I would be assuming responsibility for her. Which is probably what she really wants so that she does not need to expend the effort to be responsible herself.
(post is archived)