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[–] 15 pts

They actually did it, the crazy bastards. They found Carl's Sr.

[–] 7 pts

The blonde is definitely better at faking a smile than the brunette. I'm sure the mayo-stains on that tarp aren't making them second-guess their life-choices at all.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

The brunette isn't even trying. First she saw the size of that fat-ass and thought, "Okay, we can do this." Then she got a little closer and saw the grease stains on the shirt and thought, "Alright, it's bad but not a deal-breaker. We can still pull this off." And then she saw the hole in his filthy grease stained shirt and just lost her fucking mind.

p.s. you will also notice that the blonde is pretending to have her hand on fatty's back.

[–] 0 pt

It's in the eyes. You're right, the blonde is better at faking the smile here, but you can still tell it's fake when you look closely at the eyes.

It's easy to smile and show your teeth. It's hard to make your eyes glint and the little muscles contort into a natural smile without lots of practice, or external stimuli. These women want nothing more than to vomit and leave the premises, find a man with abs and jump on his dick immediately.

Also... their faces just look weird. Maybe it's just wayyyy too much makeup, or is it plastic surgery? Either way, it's like that "uncanny valley" shit, I feel like this could be a screen cap from a modern video game.

[–] 3 pts

One time back in high school we were hanging out on a buddy's front patio when his neighbors pulled into their driveway. Their driveway ran between my buddy's house and theirs, and the patio was right next to the driveway. My buddy had this crazy crush on the neighbor chick. So they pull up and her door swings open and she steps out and closes the door. She's now standing about 8 feet from us with her back to us and my other buddy lets out this giant fart that sounds like a bunch of bologna slices flapping in a strong breeze. This fart drags on for what seemed like 30 seconds, and stayed strong the whole time. It was so loud I was getting reverb from the walls of the two houses on either side. When it was done everyone just stood there in shocked silence for a moment, then just as peels of laughter started my buddy with the crush bolted into the house and slammed the door. Then he opened the little tiny door viewer and put his mouth in it and said, "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Cracks me up every time I think about it, even more than 30 years later.

So, any time I need to fake smile I think of that incident and I can do a real smile, complete with the twinkle in my eye.

[–] 1 pt

That's what actors are trained to do.

If you need an actor to, let's say pretend that the love of their life just died, like in John Wick.... just tell the actor to think back to a time when the love of their life died- oh that's right, Keanu Reeves' love-of-his-life died tragically and he's never really moved on as far as anyone knows.

He wasn't acting then- he was just recalling the pain, the agony of that loss. The grief, everything you see on his face is real. It may not be as fresh as it is for the character known as John Wick, but just throw in some dramatic lighting, music, and camerawork... and you have a believable scene. Also, give him a dog and then have the bad guy kill it. That's a 100% surefire way to get an audience to fall in love with the protagonist, regardless of how horrible he is, and the audience will despise the villain with a passion unlike anything that, say, the murder of the protagonist's daughter or something. People are weird like that.

Some actors suck at acting though, and can't dredge up heavy emotions. I think a lot of them are numb to it, because of the horrible shit they are subjected to in order to become "part of the club". When they need Leonardo DiCaprio to act angry as fuck, maybe he just has to think back to being raped by people like Weinstein? Does that work anymore after he's re-enacted his own abuse on a new victim? Who knows.

I've heard of some actors requiring physical injury in order to produce tears for a crying scene- can't remember who it was, I think it was a woman, she would have someone jab her in the foot with a needle before her big crying scenes.

[–] 7 pts

Looks like a normal average carl's jr customer.

[–] 4 pts

Extra big-ass fries

[–] 3 pts

this is what watching sportsball does to you - not even once

[–] 3 pts

Brought to you by Carls Jr.

[–] 1 pt

Why do you keep saying that?

[–] 2 pts

What in the nine hells am I looking at? I need the details behind this pic.

Most importantly, I need to know how these ladies managed to form a smile despite this lardass’ stink.

[–] 4 pts

look at their eyes, they are not smiling

[–] 2 pts

They were told they get a bonus for this, and he just came, so he is less aggressive.

[–] 0 pt

looks like an mountain troll

[–] 2 pts

Jeeze fatty...just go for the "mumu"

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

It's unreal how much of a freak show the U.S. has become.

[–] 1 pt

This is what the jews want. We are all livestock to the jew.

[–] 0 pt

They should feel fortunate he didn't show up in a fucking dress, I guess.

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