ASSUMING they had a cheap, reliable way to bank the energy.
That's the problem. Wind and solar are energy in the moment. Coal and natural gas are their own storage media.
> ASSUMING they had a cheap, reliable way to bank the energy.
That's the problem. Wind and solar are energy in the moment. Coal and natural gas are their own storage media.
Well, battery tech is getting there, slowly. Sand and brick storage are...primitive but effective if you have the space for it. Iron flow and newer calcium based batteries can be good also, but the tech isn't tested yet. Lithium Ion is NOT the answer. Sodium batteries could be a good stop gap for most consumer applications.
Regardless, doesn't change the fact that most of these techs are still 10 years off
Well, battery tech is getting there, slowly. Sand and brick storage are...primitive but effective if you have the space for it. Iron flow and newer calcium based batteries can be good also, but the tech isn't tested yet. Lithium Ion is NOT the answer. Sodium batteries could be a good stop gap for most consumer applications.
Regardless, doesn't change the fact that most of these techs are still 10 years off
(post is archived)