Hack the solar panels first: make it so they don't need to be connected to the fucking internet, then permanently disable the solar panels from ever making that connection again, and just use them for their intended purpose.
Hack the solar panels first: make it so they don't need to be connected to the fucking internet, then permanently disable the solar panels from ever making that connection again, and just use them for their intended purpose.
Agreed. People don't seem to understand you don't need to connect most of these devices to the internet.
Agreed. People don't seem to understand you don't need to connect most of these devices to the internet.
Nothing really needs to be connected to the internet. That is a luxury not a need. Unless the company is using your data and selling it. Then it's a requirement that you are forced into. Build your own system if you want one. It is not that hard.
Nothing really needs to be connected to the internet. That is a luxury not a need. Unless the company is using your data and selling it. Then it's a requirement that you are forced into. Build your own system if you want one. It is not that hard.
(post is archived)