They get their own panels and batteries and they can! I live in a walkable neighborhood, almost none of us have cars, but you could do it.
I don't share the opinion that those controls are overly ambitious, other countries manage fine.
That's great that you can not have a car, but here in the USA it's not an option for most people. That's the whole point of the article. The USA's electric grid isn't and never was capable of such a feat. Industry used to sop up most of the current, it's only with the waning of such we've been able to close so many plants. Even so, high consumption areas like CA still saw rolling blackouts, and they should be perfectly happy with solar. The time to act on this was 40 years ago, a push for nuclear could have happened but instead we get Watts-Bar which took 4 decades to come online due to regulatory red tape.
Other countries manage because many have the luxury of having populations smaller than some of our states, and in some cases smaller than some of our cities.
They get their own panels and batteries and they can!
Sure, they'll just poop out some money and do that, and poop out the money to maintain the panels and batteries when they reach EOL. It's like magic.
Not capable YET, you have to start somewhere.
(post is archived)