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Lots of people think it's the future, people walking around with windows in front of them. People on the subway typing. $3,500 units flying off the shelves. Personally I think it's sad. People glued to a screen even when walking. Looking like a drone from the future. Must consume media every second of the day. I fucking hate it. And yeah, I know "then don't buy it". I won't. Just expressing an opinion. Here's a sample of of one of the 'viral' videos of it. People think this is amazing. I think it's sad. The dystopia gets worse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV9Xy6L_rlM

Lots of people think it's the future, people walking around with windows in front of them. People on the subway typing. $3,500 units flying off the shelves.

Personally I think it's sad. People glued to a screen even when walking. Looking like a drone from the future. Must consume media every second of the day. I fucking hate it. And yeah, I know "then don't buy it". I won't. Just expressing an opinion.

Here's a sample of of one of the 'viral' videos of it. People think this is amazing. I think it's sad. The dystopia gets worse


I think it's the future, get used to it. I want one
I hate it
Don't worry. It's a gimmick and owners won't use them after 2 weeks
Fuck You!

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

It's neat technology but I'll never get one. It looks kinda dumb.

[–] 2 pts

I don't like apple stuff in general and I never am a "first adopter" after getting burned by products in the past. Too bad they are probably going to figure out a way to wedge themselves into the market by screwing everyone over by suing any competitor with patents so they are the "only choice".

However, as it currently works. I cannot see myself ever using one other than just to try it out.

[–] 0 pt

But you can have screens everywhere. No escape from the screen. You can be advertised at on 4 screens at the same time. Sounds amazing.

Obviously I'm being sarcastic, but there's lots of people out there that are getting hard at the idea of having screens everywhere they look.


[–] 3 pts

Because this will be the new Viagra. Imagine being able to fuck an AI constructed version of your wife when you were just married and your currently in your 60's..

[–] 2 pts

We're a long way off that.

[–] 1 pt

Dude if they can slap Taylor Swift's head on an AI body and have her do porn already your wife can say a couple of key sentences and they can slap her 20-year-old face on a AI clone like in Blade Runner, boom have at it

[–] 2 pts

Just like everything else from Apple, I wouldn't give a rotten rat's ass floating in a cup of cat piss for any of the faggotry they make.

[–] 1 pt

I think everything crApple makes is over hyped, but this VR headset is a gateway to dystopia. I believe crApple was asked to make this so people will accept leaving the tangible world of reality into a cyborg world of Satan. Musk did this with EVs. I believe he was asked to make a compelling EV that people would embrace so the Satanists could force us out of real cars. To that end, he did an excellent job, but he couldn't overcome the harsh reality of physics.

crApple will do something similar towards getting people to accept a virtual world. This device is pure evil. I don't want to get too close to this shit, no matter how cool it may appear.

[–] 1 pt

I imagine a future where people live in tiny horrible little pods but they have AR on their faces at all times. They won't even have a window in their room but AR will fake a window there and show them whatever they want.

[–] 0 pt

Sounds like an episode of Black Mirror.

[–] 0 pt

I keep thinking of the movie "The 13th floor."

[–] 1 pt

Another big screen in the Tesla too. So many pictures of cocksuckers thinking they're great because they can watch netflix in their car. Can people not spend 5 minutes without consuming media?

[–] 1 pt

I think we are another step closer to Wall-E or some other dystopian future.

[–] 1 pt

Depends on how good the Daisy Ridley deepfakes can get.

[–] 1 pt

I want it, just not the apple version. I don't have any apple shit. I want it when it becomes available in a cool pair of sunglasses instead of ski goggle looking and when it works for Linux and Android.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Why? Cut yourself off from reality more?

[–] 0 pt

Not at all. imagine walking around with this on your head but in sunglasses form. Being able to interact with the things around you on the move. See a crazy bug in the woods? Instantly identify it and learn about it. Find some sweet looking berries or mushrooms but don't feel like dying of poison today? No problem.

Read up on historic buildings or places while traveling.

The uses are truly endless all without getting a chip installed in my head!!!

[–] 1 pt

Theres a TV show called Chuck where a normal dude gets programmed into a super spy with some classy looking shades.

This could be like that, except it's just to enslave humanity, not just to give normies a chance to be a super spy with ninja moves.

[–] 1 pt

How's the Virtual Boy doing? How's 3D TV doing? I think they even had it where you didn't need glasses to view the TV.

[–] 1 pt

I'm not buying one, I'm waiting until they get smaller and more light weight. This technology will have massive benefits especially in labor training and general education.

I watched the lawnmower man recently and i seriously think a good nootropic blend with VR learning software could replace the bulk of modern education and be far more efficient. Obviously the film is a fantasy but the technology will have a serious positive impact if exploited correctly.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Voted fuck you.

My thoughts were missing.

I neither like it nor hate it. I am impressed with the product. I have already had my hands on one (these fuckers almost dragged my wife back into that whole fucking ecosystem). Luckily all it took was pointing out the flaws in it right now. Mostly... Price, and form factor, followed by ecosystem lock.

I see that things will move in the direction of AR and AI assisted living. This can be both a positive and a negative for the human race. Simply depending on how it is used.

People will gravitate to this tech in replacement of the smartphone, once it becomes more realistic from a price and form factor stand point. Similarly to how they jumped to the cell phone when that was first launched for general commercial consumption by the masses as a mass accepting price point. You can look back at the acceptance of the cell and the decline of the traditional home phone over the last 30 years if you'd like the sort of example I reference. Then the smartphone from the traditional "dumb cell phone".

Meta (fuckbook) is due to release a competing product at a far lower price point later this year, and a higher priced, but more powerful (computing terms) model after that.

Fucking amazing advancement in its own right.

Lets have the utopia scenario; Humans will get this gear. Use it as a learning and teaching tool for themselves, and those they are attempting to assist. With instant available access tom info stored right in front of your eyes, always available by turning your head a bit. Video instruction being played right beside the text and a 3rd real person (or teams) looking at what they are doing and collaborating in real time. Once sufficiently coupled with AI. A new scientific and educational awakening would undertake the world as we know it. We would probably advance scientifically well beyond our current level of tech in 2 generations.

Lets look at the real kike world scenario; A few companies, will produce and control this tech through patents, trademarks and lots of lawyers. The government will support this effort of control at every opportunity. They will start with getting this kind of thing into the hands of the wealthy (a'la a 3500 dollar apple product). Where the wealthy are now paying apple thousands of dollars to collect everything this person sees or hears or interacts with in real time with face and eye tracking built into the device. Now that they have tested it out on the wealthy. Another player will launch an intermediate version to get more onboard, collecting all of the exact same data. Followed by a very low cost but limited feature version for the general masses.

Now we are collecting everyone's data, and most of the time of their waking day at this point since we see and hear what they see and hear. The kikes in charge, take said info and use it for far far greater evil than they can gain today, simply by having more information on everyone. --- Oh what was in that note you read when you forgot to take the glasses off? What was it someone was showing you the other night that the government frowns upon now that you have 0 freedoms in your dystopian society?

My problem with the device, and the tech in general. Is how it will be used in the actual real world we live in. Not what it could potentially be used for.

TL:DR As I said above. It could be a world changing tech. It will be used to further lock down the world.

[–] 2 pts

I think the trajectory will follow the smart phone but otherwise. I agree with your take, the biggest fuck-up of this century was not electing Ron Paul and getting a constitutional right to privacy. This thing is covered in cameras making you into a surveillance drone for the state, they'll be using AIs to detect and fine micro-aggressions in 20 years or less if we don't stop these people.

[–] 0 pt

I see that things will move in the direction of AR and AI assisted living. This can be both a positive and a negative for the human race. Simply depending on how it is used.

If you think this will be a positive you are not paying attention

[–] 0 pt

It's better than the smart phone, at least with AR you can practice and learn a skill properly rather than watch a video and absorb very little of the practical.

We had a fatherless generation lose all basic automotive skills give them this thing and a simple ar guide or an interactive VR sim and they ould solve the problem out right.

Essentially the system can supplement the imagination with precision and accuracy, it would make the people lacking visual 3D imagination much more competent in the trades. Hell it might give people 3D imagination after repeat exposure, a similar phenomena exist in people who have stereo blindness and lack depth perception, if exposed to enough 3d films or games after vision correction they can spontaneously wire up a new pathway for enhanced spatial awareness and even stereoscopic vision.

[–] 0 pt

What skill can you learn properly with AR? Maybe you should tell apple, because ever video has netflix, tv, music and an computer screen.

[–] 0 pt

You failed to read my whole post, or even the TLDR...

WTF Loser. Faggots and niggers fail to read.

Go back, reread the fucking post. Or its it too many words for you?

[–] 0 pt

I read it. Read my reply again, because if you think it's going to be "positive" you might be a bit retarded. No chance it'll be positive

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