I've had a lot of IRL experience intersecting with and observing all other races, including the jews. I worked as a contractor in industries where there is always a good chance you will run into (((them))) eventually.
As we all know they have a mask they put up when interacting with us, but it's a rare sight to see them interacting with each other. They act like a group of cartoonish snakes that hiss and snap at each other, but due to some circumstances they have been forced to work with together. I've never seen them act this way when interacting with non-jews. This behavior was so unusual and alien to me, and unlike behavior from any other races that it's what got me to think they might not be of this world. This though came from my intuition, and I believe our intuition is what connects us to God.
It's strange that I never got this feeling from all the info I saw about them online, but IRL interaction immediately woke up some subconscious alert inside of me.
I am 100% certain that if they are left to do whatever they want, it will lead to total annihilation and end of all life in this world.
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