Carrageenan is in everything. It's so frustrating. It's almost impossible to find heavy cream without it. I have to buy the fancy kind in glass bottles and half the time the store doesn't have it. I'm use heavy cream powder when I'm desperate because at least that doesn't seem to have it in it yet.
It’s in a ton of pet food now too. It made my cats sick as fuck.
You can substitute a ratio of milk and butter for cream in a lot of recipes. Like 1 cup milk to 2 tbsp butter I believe but I may not remember correctly.
I know it makes me sick. I couldn't imagine what it would do to my inflammatory bowel cat. I watch the cat food like a hawk. I've had to change brands a few times over the years. My old lady cat was allergic to fish. It was nearly impossible to find food with fish of some kind in it.
Right now, I have a great dry food. I'm trying to get them on a wet food they will eat but they only like the fancy feast crap. I really don't want them eating much dry, but two of the five are 'cookie' eaters and barely touch any kind of wet food. My mom makes her own but I don't have room in my apartment for a freezer, so no 'chicken tartare' for my cats.
I'll remember the milk and butter. I don't typically have milk around but I do have half and half so maybe that with some butter will work. (it's still possible to find half and half without carrageenan - although one brand I used to get without it just stared adding it)
I had an old cat who recently passed but lived to 19! The last few years I would get top round or some lean cheap beef cuts and very finely mince it up for her. A little PITA to do every day but totally worth it. I thought she was dying when she like 16 and after I started doing this I got another 3 years out of her. After doing the math it was a lot cheaper than feeding good canned food. And they start eating less of the fresh meat because it’s so nutritionally dense.
(post is archived)