If they corner the market and triple or quadruple the prices, and work in sync with the powers to be to raise food prices and make poorfags eat the bugs, how is that not like other ways they control people?
They quadruple the price but reduce the volume. As a destributor they lose on the reduction of volume. There is no incentive there.
If you want to claim there is a greater conspiracy in which they are participating despite it hurting them financially then make a case for that. OP is implying that they have a direct financial incentive to make eggs more scarce and that does not make sense.
I am OP, and if the feed is for small farm usage and not corporate level it does hurt the little guys and creates a false shortage. They also sacrifice profit to push agendas, as we see with the free covid boosters and other efforts to control/dominate people..and if you cannot see that then I'll pray that your higher tier logic application skills improve. They are trying to make small farmers report on their animals owned. You think that's for some "helpful" reason? They make farmers destroy crops and dairy products to prevent the reducing of prices in the market. It isn't hurting THEM financially. It hurts the people not buying their eggs and raising their own hens.. Which are the ones buying feed from the connected retailers selling to the farmers who noticed their hens not laying, switched feed, and the hens began laying again. You sure swing hard to try to poopoo this. Noted.
They also sacrifice profit to push agendas,
You posted a trail of ownership that puports to show evidence of a financial incentive. Now you are making a completely different conspiracy claim which has absolutly nothing to do with what you posted.
I am pointing out that your claim of financial incentive is illogical and your response is "hur dur here is a different conspiracy theory and if you can't see it ur dumb".
Well fuck you. What you are saying is stupid and your logic does not track.
(post is archived)