they own the loans so when the companies go bankrupt all assets go to them. this is fraud not commerce
It would be terrible is someone were to go and target that institution for complete and utter destruction in Minecraft, then wouldn't it?
The greatest transfer of wealth in history.....
Somethings going on. I think all these ESG and WEF faggots are about to get sacrificed by an even more hidden hand. Not some Q white hat faggot shit more like a bigger predator.
>The Fed isn’t raising rates to combat inflation. The Fed is raising rates to break the ECB and Davos...
Idk, I just notice that some people seem to have a reason to believe davos and the fed are at odds, which would be a case of "anthropophagy"/preying on each others for lack of better option essentially
Maybe "someone" is just playing both sides here as usual
Title should say crash companies without wokeness
No. The woke companies are doing extremely bad. 20 years ago if i told you Disney would have such a terrible drop in stock price i would be laughed at. Now it is looking like the entire entertainment sector my get a "market correction"
Cultural exports were our most powerful weapon in the 20th centaury. Now anime is eating into the market.
True but the article discusses how the non woke co are being penalized by this rating system that punishes a publicly traded company for not fulfilling woke status.
It's an unrestricted warfare tactic that works because of flaws in the American legal system.
If you resist too hard you can get sued for discrimination.
Repealing the Civil Rights Act would help a lot.
That's impossible to do though. So we'll have to wait to fix these vulnerabilities until after the whole system collapses.
(post is archived)