We use Emergency Helicopter services quite often out here in the pickers and if you cancel them before they make patient contact there is no bill at all. If we have a bad call that we are responding too we often call for a chopper and if we don't need them when we get there we just cancel them.
He was talking cost. Not charge.
I worked in a rather large metropolitan area that had only one air ambulance. We have plenty of Level II & III trauma centers scattered throughout the area, so odds are the only reason you'd get air transport was if you were in need of specialized pediatric care, the burn center, or level I trauma. If there was a call likely to need air transport, we'd put them on "standby." Standby entails waking the crew, running the checklists, and warming up the helicopter. In general, the time from standby to in route was more than 20 minutes. Once they were in route, a bill was getting sent to somebody. Put them in route multiple times and then canceling without good justification, and you were likely getting fired.
We also had a pretty big navy presence in our area. We were told the navy rescue H60 could be in route in less than five minutes and is faster speed when in the air. However, I never saw it happen. I did hear on the radios once when the air ambulance canceled a call for technical reasons (not sure if breakdown or whatever), and they transported via normal ambulance. The guy was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital, but you're gonna be pretty fubar if you need air transport to begin with. I'm glad I wasn't on that call.
Where I live we rarely use standby, we get them en route to the biggest crashes or whatnot and then when we get there we cancel them if we don't need them. I have seen them straight overhead at cancel and they just say have a nice day and fly away. No bill. They know our situation and they are happy to be of service when they can be and they don't get butt hurt if we cancel them. I wouldn't say this is a frequent occurrence but it happens every once in awhile.
(post is archived)