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So, the headlines speak for themselves.

So, the headlines speak for themselves.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 6 pts 3y

It's called a cohencidence.

[–] 3 pts 3y

There you go noticing things again. That's anti-semitic.

[–] 4 pts 3y

I don't see how anyone believes still that Conspiracy is theory. You know people with competence congregate, right? This is how social systems work. The peons and proles have no seat at the table because all they can perform are typical, non-laborsome tasks. So it's their bosses, their owners, who wager and convene on their behalf, all the way up. All systems operate in hierarchy that have deep social influence.

Conspiracy is fact, not theory.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The current rate of change from "conspiracy theory" to "established fact" is about 8 months and accelerating. The new term is "spoiler".

[–] 0 pt 3y

Neat. Care to elaborate?

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Anecdotal from personal observation. I'm old enough to remember when I first heard the term "conspiracy theory" enter the public lexicon. Over time I began noticing that things that had been labeled "conspiracy theory" just a couple years before had been converted into "accepted fact".

As the internet grew and the hive mind grew with it, the conversion rate seemed to be accelerating. I think this may also be in part due to the change in people's acceptance of what the controlled media is putting out as "The Approved Narrative". As the public trust of controlled media sources plummets, the conversion rate from "conspiracy theory" to "accepted fact" accelerates to keep pace.

There is also an intelligence barrier. Liberals like what the media tells them, because it reinforces their reality. They are comfortable with it and less accepting of contrary views. When the evidence that a previous "conspiracy theory" has become incontrovertible and has converted to an "accepted fact" the liberal simply hand waves it away, because accepting it might mean that he would then also have to question other facets of his world-view. The amygdala kicks in, and he flees, pretending that it never happened at all.

Now it is simply common knowledge that everything the government and media (but I repeat myself) say is The Lie. Including the words "a", "and", and "the". But the public is also becoming much more adept over the years in "reading between the lines" and perceiving the shadow of truth behind the lies. In a weird sort of application of Aristotelian logic, "Okay. If "A" is known to be a lie because (((they))) say so, and "B" is also a known lie, because (((they))) say so, then this other thing over here, that (((they))) clearly dare not speak of and reflexively label a "conspiracy theory", MUST therefore be the truth.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yes, and the ones using that CIA term are corruption deniers.

[–] 2 pts 3y

5 plus attempt on prez of madagascar.

[–] 1 pt 3y

those are not mutually exclusive

[–] 1 pt 3y

People don't know that anymore.

[–] -1 pt 3y

mutual-exclusivity is not a precondition for things not being coincidences. What does that even mean? What argument are you trying to make? If anything, it's the abuse-of-vagueness and lack of pattern-recognition which makes people unable to see the obvious.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yo guys, imagine if its this important for them to get us all jabbed, what is it for except total control, or depopulation? Chose the region you dont want to reproduce?

Lmfao, fuck..

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

So refusing a vaccine for your country has the same penalty as refusing a national treasury. Something seems to work the same like the same people enforcing both requirements.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 3y