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[–] 5 pts

This is well put...I was born in 1990, making me 31 now, and despite the fact I completely understand our culture is 100% kiked and controlled, it still amazes me that it's as if "they" just really don't want anything to exist post-boomer generation. I mean, all the actors/athletes etc. that are still "A-list" just seem old as fuck right now, and, more than that, it's as if "they" haven't setup anyone to take their place later.

As in...who's the next Brad Pitt, or Tom Hanks, or...the next Beatles/Zepplin/ etc...? Again, I totally get that it's all fucking cancer at this point, but it just amazes me the total extent to which everyone over 60 just does not give a shit about anyone younger than them or how this is all going to go after they die.

[–] 6 pts

A civilization in the looting phase doesn't create culture, that's for the rebirth phase.

[–] 4 pts

Nobody is allowed to be a champion anymore unless they're championing degeneracy. We're on the downward slope now. Hopefully there's a brick wall at the bottom.

[–] 0 pt

There is a cliff with a lot of rocks at the bottom, does that count?

[–] 1 pt

they know that theirs not enough consoomers to sustain pedowood long enough for a next tom hanks, and that the internet completely undermines the music industry, so no point in propping up a new communist puppet band.

[–] 0 pt

That's a really strange take on how society works. An older generation never selects or "makes" popular culture - every young generation creates and promotes their own icons. What amazes me is the total extent everyone under 50 gathers their inspiration and acceptance from Boomer culture.

Now get off my porch and be someone ya lazy fuck.

[–] 0 pt

every young generation creates and promotes their own icons.

You have no idea how controlled and manipulated our culture is then...

My comment was more about the powers that be than the boomers...stop taking everything so personally. It's not all about you guys.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Chris pratt comes to mind, as does chris hemsworth. Not to replace the actors you mentioned in particular, but rather young and prominent.

[–] 3 pts

Boy, it must suck to not realize what's going on... That actress/bartender complained for at least a year about these old white males running everything while an old white male runs the country, then the next presidential cycle comes up and an even older and less functioning guy gets thrust in to office despite rapid mental decline...

What if you guys are taking the wrong angle? What if it's supposed to seem absolutely absurd? What if it's just pure theater?

Nailed it politics are a farce and we are the fools.

[–] 2 pts

Also, there are no qualifications for political office other than geographic location and age.

[–] 0 pt

Yet somehow while showing extreme off the charts stupidity every one of them is at least a lawyer and dr.

[–] 1 pt

It's not stupidity, it's scripted for consumption by the stupid. They aren't stupid. You don't get a law or medical degree and climb the power ladder being an idiot.

[–] 1 pt

"Hey corn, it's not a matter of ...remember Jim? Jimmy? .......Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy Car... PRESIDENT Carter. He was... Old guys... C'mon, man. He's, he's (mutters under his breath) eight by now and still building, you know the thing ...hammers. Maybe before you start criticizing old people, you should look at what you are allowing to happen right now. But I, I, I, I, I, I wrote that bill because crime was out of control and we... ...super predators. remember? Who could stand for this, man? They can't learn like White kids... but anyway, old guys run this... you know... :::spreads his hands wide and smiles::: thing."

Had a young niggah in the White House how'd that work out?

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, good luck maintaining that COBOL code-base written in the 70s and still running on that mainframe, kiddo.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Gimme that shit ill reprogram it in your choice of a dozen different languages. Think because its written in some ancient bullshit we cant learn it in 3 days. I eat languages for breakfast and shit out the Rosetta stone.

[–] 0 pt

Your JVM isn't going to be even close to able to keep up.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Dont need the jvm rust,golang,c++ your choice. Wanna do com api c# callouts to a natively compiled cobol function we got it.

Dumb. You are working in the age of Google-able documentation. That mainframe stuff is in 2 places: 1) printed docs which largely no longer exist. 2) The heads of a bunch of gray hairs.

And even with the docs its just a harder environment in which to work. There is no ActiveRecord for dbase.

[–] 0 pt

Mainframes are still very much a thing. 40 TB of RAM, get rekt (ibm.com)

Who cares if you can't read code understand a system and reimplement it you dont deserve to call yourself a programmer. All you conveyed is that you have an undocumented system that nobody understands that will be useless as soon as one person walks out the door unless you invest in a migration.

[–] 0 pt

I might be using this as a topic for a paper. It is very interesting and I never thought about it before.

[–] 0 pt

It's physical decline, mental faculties do not decline with age unless there is disease.