First universal rule.. Never trust the kike media and especially never trust anything that comes out Israel. All the reports and data that has been received from Israel in regards to COVID-19 and their so-called mass vaccination program could easily be made-up and faked. We have no true way of knowing. It's a fact that kikes love to lie and love to manipulate to get what they want and this is what we have to always keep in mind when analyzing their reports.
Remember, Israel is the seat of international jewry. International jewry controls all of the worlds media, they are master manipulators and they can use the power of the media to make anything look real. They've managed to convince the entire world that there is a deadly pandemic going even though reality contradicts that lie entirely.
Jews have played a prominent role in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine and the distribution of it so they have much to benefit from the mass vaccination of the worlds world's population.
According to a JTA article;
''The scientist responsible for the pioneering breakthroughs that allowed for the development of an mRNA vaccine is Jewish University of Pennsylvania professor Drew Weissman , who once worked under Fauci at the National Institutes of Health''
Albert Bourla , CEO of Pfizer.
Mikael Dolsten , Head Scientist at Pfizer.
Tal Zaks , Chief Medical Officer at Moderna.
'Three Jews on a mission to develop a coronavirus vaccine'
'Vaccine hunters: Tal Zaks, Shmuel Shapira & Alexander Gintsburg
The jew, Alexander Gintsburg is the 'scientist' that's behind the Sputnik V vaccine.
That's quite a coincidence then that Israel is the state that is leading the way when it comes to the mass vaccination program of the COVID-19 'vaccine'.
The jew media outside of Israel is already using Israel's ''successful vaccination program'' as propaganda to the Gentile world as a model to emulate.
They're using Israeli data as propaganda to push the false narrative that their mass vaccination is leading to drop in 'severe covid cases' in order to make the false claim that these vaccines are proving themselves to be effective.
More propaganda of the same sort;
''Israel provides first signs of mass vaccination driving down virus cases''
Albert Bourla, who's a jew of course, made a deal with Netanyahu that Israel would receive enough of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine and in return Israel would give them 'anonymized, aggregated epidemiological data'. And this is where the conspiracy begins.
Being that Israel received their big batch of COVID-19 vaccines from a company owned by a jew, these COVID-19 vaccine's could easily be nothing more than placebo vaccines or vaccines that are more harmless in comparison to those that's been delivered to Gentile nations.
Being that Israel is the hub of international jewry and they are the ones behind the COVID-19 hoax and they are the originators of the whole agenda of wanting to get EVERYONE vaccinated so they can push their incredible tyrannical 'vaccine
passport', they will obviously give Pfizer a biased, fake report and data to serve that very agenda. Already we see articles talking about how data from Israel is showing how 'effective' Pfizer's vaccine is and this in turn is being used as propaganda to get gullible Gentiles to get vaccinated.
''Israel being the global leader in COVID-19 vaccine administration per capita''.
And that's exactly what's happening, they are using data from Israel to make the unproven claim that;
'Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Over 95% Effective In Israel, New Study Reportedly Shows'.
What about side-effects from the vaccine? Are they being reported in Israel?
There are conflicting reports. There are articles saying that there are little side-effects being reported while others are saying otherwise.
This article states that more have died from the vaccine than COVID-19 in Israel. Claiming also that high mortality has been achieved from the vaccine;
While at the same time you have this article claiming that;
''Post-COVID vaccine, under 0.3% of Israelis reported side effects to doctor'' .
This, of course is designed to bring confusion into the picture for the purpose of making you not know what's true or not. But remember the first universal law I mentioned in the beginning. Never trust a kike, always assume there is a sinister motive behind everything they say.
While it is true that big jew has no problem sacrificing small jew for the 'greater good', they usually do that when they have no other alternative. However today, with the amount of power they have internationally, they have the upper-hand, they have the entire world media (and governments) at their disposal, they can make almost any lie look true and real to the gullible goyim.
They don't need to kill their own for this, they can just make the claim on their controlled media platforms that Israel is also experiencing major side-effects and deaths from the vaccine in order to not appear suspicious as reports of side-effects and deaths from the vaccine are being reported all over the world.
Also, another important thing to note is that Israel has an Arab population of 2 million and they're also receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The side-effects and deaths that has been reported, if they are real, could easily be the result of the Arabs receiving the vaccines but not the jews. We can't know for sure however because they don't tell us if it's a jew or an Arab that has suffered from these side-effects when reporting the adverse effects of the 'vaccines'. They just use the term 'Israeli' and that could be on purpose as people will automatically assume they are speaking of jews when they read 'Israeli' but in reality they could just be talking about an Arab with an Israeli citizenship.
''As Vaccination Rates Among Israeli Arabs Increase, So Do Coronavirus Cases''
''Over 478,000 Arab citizens have received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine – 90,000 more than the previous week, marking a 53 percent increase. About 255,000 members of the community have received the second dose.''
It's very possible that Arab's are receiving the 'deadly' version of the vaccine which is where the reports of deaths and side-effects are coming from while the jew is receiving the placebo version of the 'vaccine' and/or they are outright allowed to fake their vaccination, here is a such an example;
Israel is not only the leading state in terms of vaccination but is also the leading state for the push of the 'vaccination passport'. This is their ultimate aim.
They are being marketed not only as having a successful 'mass vaccination program' which should be emulated but are also being marketed as being a successful country in lifting restrictions in correlation with their supposed 'vaccine program' using 'vaccine passport' (or 'green pass' as they call it) as a means to give back freedoms. They've purposely set themselves up as a model for the entire Gentile world to emulate, the only difference is, the Gentile world will be receiving the real biological weapon known as the 'Covid-19' vaccine.
'Israel’s “green pass” is an early vision of how we leave lockdown'
'Israel vaccination 'green pass' may offer a glimpse of a post-Covid future'
'To open the economy quicker, should the U.S consider a 'green passport' like Israel?'
Smell the obvious propaganda? See how obviously all of this has been planned?
'Netanyahu advertising the 'Green Pass' System to Austria's Kurz and Danish PM at Modi'in gym'
(post is archived)