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[–] 5 pts

Exactly. And it is amazing what you can get people to believe if you say it in a whispered voice and pretend it is “conspiracy”. I was arguing with a flat-earthed at work about gravity, and he claimed that gravity didn’t exist. I then asked him to explain the the phenomenon of an object dropping to the floor when you release it from your hand. He said it was due to a difference in densities. You can’t make this shit up. My reply was “skip science class much, bro?” Look, I love this guy. At least he has the balls to stand up for what he believes in, but this flat-earth shit is giving the rest of us conspiracy tards a bad name. I might also mention that the proliferation of this theory is only possible in a postmodern world. There are entire generations that are just ruined because they are incapable of critical thought.

200% demoralized.

[–] 2 pts

I don’t understand why you would mock the coworker? Density is a Law and gravity is a theory. Aka Density is proven and Gravity is not.

All Flat Earthers used to be a Globalist just like you. Difference is we asked questions.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Let’s just start with this statement:

Density is a Law and gravity is a theory.

It’s cool bro, we can work through this together. Density is a physical property of matter (not a law as you stated), and is an expression of the relationship between an object’s mass and volume. Gravity is a law (not a theory as you stated), which describes a force acting upon all mass and energy in the universe. There are several explanations as to why gravity works the way it does, and these are called “theories”.

Back to density...from Britannica.com:

“Mass, in physics, quantitative measure of inertia, a fundamental property of all matter. It is, in effect, the resistance that a body of matter offers to a change in its speed or position upon the application of a force. The greater the mass of a body, the smaller the change produced by an applied force.”

(italics are mine)

That force can be an external force being applied to the matter, such as a hoist lifting an engine block, and it can also be gravity. In fact everything here on earth is affected by gravity. Please note that gravity also has a direction - the force is always applied towards the object’s center of mass. This is why when you drop a ball, it travels to the ground instead of flying up into the air.

What the flat-earther is really describing when they speak of gravity in terms of different densities is actually “bouyancy”, and bouyancy is meaningless without a force being applied, in this case gravity.

Sorry brother, there’s no way to get around it without invoking gravity. I hope that explanation was sufficient, if any science nerds want to join in explain it better feel free...

[–] 1 pt

Density and bouancy are laws and explain why objects rise or fall. Gravity doesn’t exist, has never been proven and has largely been discredited even in academic circles.

The last vestiges of any legitimacy that Gravity has is that it’s still called a “theory” instead of a myth—or a fable which is all it is.

Again, it’s ok that you are a Globalist. I used to be a genius just like you and regurgitated all the NPc talking points like you just did.

Then I read up on “gravity” and saw that it was discredited and it was a weak theory that nobody even believes in anymore. That and much more evidence I read up on trying to discredit FE and I couldn’t.

Just because you are ignorant on a topic doesn’t make me wrong

[–] 1 pt

What do flat-earthers have to say about satellites?

[–] 0 pt

Satellites are just balloons and don’t spin around like we are told. The ISS (despite you seeing an object flying around In space) also doesn’t exist and nobody is living on it.

The “satellites don’t exist” was a hard one to believe at first because an acquaintance of mine launches “satellites” into “space”.

[–] 0 pt

Density isn't a law, It's an observation.

Losing respect for flat earth retards out here.

Keep outing yourselves guys, and tell us if you believe in Q too.

[–] 1 pt

"Skip science much bro" the irony in that comment is hilarious considering where youre tying it. You sound like a retarded plebbit faggot. Do you know what weight and density is in that context and that your own handlers admit gravity is still a theory?

[–] 0 pt

Please see my reply to @Native above

[–] 1 pt

For what, like its supposed to clear up all this drama for everyone. All it shows is why youre wrong. Linking/quoting other people's recycled propaganda proves youre only as good as the histroy channel and the public school educational system. Have you ever seen an atom in person with your own eyes in real time? The same people who are literally enslaving the world, sick paedophile satanists that lie about everything are lying about everything EXCEPT this? Hypothetically living in an infinite universe gives us no meaning, simply a tiny spec who will never be seen or recognised by anyone so nothing matters you should live a life of regret and sin because remember this is all an accident goy. Rather than (((what all evidence points to))) us being all there is and humans having great meaning and purpose. And gravity is the easiest to disprove, prob why they themselves say its still a theory, but all of heliocentric science is based of of it, how do you base your whole ideology and beliefs system of a unproven theory? I live in australia (((was a beach kid, endless hours at the beach))) which in your mind is on the bottom of a spinning ball supposedly spinning over 1000mph, circling the sun at 666000mph and then shooting through space and over 1000000mph, how can gravity supposedly hold all of the billions of tonnes of water in the ocean from flying of the ball but at the same time not be strong enough to stop a slight breeze from blowing a plastic bag along the shore which is clearly unaffected by gravity, its strong enough to stop the water but not strong enough stop my cigarette smoke from rising when i spark up a durry on the shore? And on top of that all marine life that live in the water are unaffected by this invisible force to lol? How anyone believes this crap is hilarious