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(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt 4y

Things don't vanish bottom up on a flat surface. That is not how perspective works. Because that's not how straight lines work.

Anyone claiming otherwise, or telling you a lens can bring it back, is either lying to you or simply an idiot repeating lies they were told without verifying. Like you are right now.

[–] 1 pt 4y

You can literally test this yourself in 5 minutes with your phone’s camera, a dime and a table. Put your phone’s camera just above the surface of one end of the table and then slowly move the coin away from the camera. You will see the coin disappear bottom up. Then zoom in and you will see the coin reappear. This is due to angular resolution. Our eyes work the same way.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Put your phone’s camera just above the surface of one end of the table and then slowly move the coin away from the camera. You will see the coin disappear bottom up.

No it won't. And I suggest you take your own advice and actually try that for yourself, instead of continuing to spread this nonsense. Ideally with something more adequate than the thinnest coin you can find, which would conceal the difference between distortion and obstruction.

Try some dice, for example. You will clearly see their bottom halves to not just disappear for no reason as you slide them away.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yes. Things do vanish bottom up on a flat surface. That is how perspective works.


I encourage you to perform this experiment for yourself which can easily be done with your camera phone.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Looking through a magnifying glass magnifies what is in the center by distorting light. When you remove it, the distortion stops, and you can literally see straight again. Fascinating. I'm sure nobody has ever noticed that before.

Don't see how that helps your point, however.

I encourage you to perform this experiment for yourself which can easily be done with your camera phone.

Right back at you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICTiolNm59Q

You can clearly see from the ladder and platform structures that zooming into the distance does nothing to bring anything hidden into view. It only makes what is already visible larger or smaller.

But, see, the problem is that you're a believer. And so facts won't matter.