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I started growing some peppers in January and the latest seeds went in dirt in March, so far a lot of leaves, some cayennes have matured and they were tasty. A few flowers on a couple superhots. I gave my sister a Carolina reaper in a 4" pot and hers is at least twice as big as any of mine, and it's full of flowers. Gonna be a hot summer!!!

I started growing some peppers in January and the latest seeds went in dirt in March, so far a lot of leaves, some cayennes have matured and they were tasty. A few flowers on a couple superhots. I gave my sister a Carolina reaper in a 4" pot and hers is at least twice as big as any of mine, and it's full of flowers. Gonna be a hot summer!!!

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

my pepper seedlings all took a nasty hit from aphids in april. everything is still alive and recovering in the ground, but currently looks like shit. this year i’m focusing on a larger serrano harvest - smoking, fermenting and saucing. still have plenty of super hots - naga and 7-pot varieties.

[–] 1 pt

Peppers seem to be good like that, I have some that had a single leaf on them come back up. Look forward to hearing of the harvest in the months to come.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I just harvested my spring garden - greens, broccoli, lettuce, peas and a few other things. While that was growing I sprouted my peppers and other summer things. I did a few jalapeño, Big Jim, and a few bell peppers that I got the seeds from one I bought. Right now they are tiny.

Companion planting is very important, they grow great with onions, basil, peas and carrots but you shouldn’t grow them around tomatoes and eggplant. They attract the same pests and draw the same nutrients.

Once the summer garden is done I’ll do a similar garden to my spring one, except a lot of garlic, brussel sprouts and more greens.

[–] 1 pt

I have mostly, like 95 percent, peppers. Majority are in pots. I'll get some in the ground this weekend and I'll be sure to get some companion plants.

[–] 1 pt

Do you plan on fermenting some pepper sauce? I’ve been wanting to do that but really don’t like spicy food too much lol.

I guess companion planting doesn’t matter as much of they’re in pots. I use the Planter app on iOS for planning my garden, it’s very helpful and shows which plants don’t grow well together.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, I've been looking into some sauce recipes, there's a few posted in this sub as well. I'll look that app up.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt

We have a one year old serrano that's been happy that we grew from seed. My wife cheated this year and bought another serrano and a habanero. The serrano is cranking out peppers, and the habanero is producing but the habanero are not yet ripe. We have them in large pots and we have adjusted their location to optimal sun. We've been eating a few per day, and sharing serranos with anyone who likes peppers. Location: Texas coast

[–] 1 pt

Those mature plants are great, my dad has one that's almost 2 years old and it just cranks out pequin, always get a zip lock baggie full.

[–] 1 pt

We found out that the plants die at about 3 years even with optimal care, sohe may want to start additional plants now.

[–] 0 pt

I will let him know, and I'll be sure to get some seeds to start my own as well. Thank you.

[–] 1 pt

None planted at the moment. Probably going to start some jalapeños in my hydro setup. They may end up outside in a container depending on how big they get.

[–] 1 pt

How do they do in a hydro setup?

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The last batch were great. A lot hotter than I am used to and we pickled a bunch of them since even 1 plant gave us so many.

[–] 1 pt

How hard is it to set up?

[–] 1 pt

Nothing in the ground yet - hoping to this week.

Poblano's are flowering; Thai Dragon's are flowering; Reaper will be flowering probably in the next 30-days; Red Trinidad Scorpions, about the same cycle as Reaper; Caribbean Habanero, maybe another 30-days as well; Chocolate Habanero and Chocolate Trinidad's will most likely be another 60-days easy.

[–] 0 pt

What size pots are they in right now? And when did you plant? I ask because I have some still in 4" pots that I'm afraid won't make it if I don't transfer soon, like yesterday, soon.

[–] 1 pt

all peppers notwithstanding my chocolates, we picked up from our local nursery, so their pots are standard nursery - approx. 3" x 3" x 4".. All of my chocolates are from my personal stash and were started from scratch in mid-March. Each of those is about to start the 3rd set of leaves and are still in the wee spit cups you can get for the bathroom.

that said - we are in Zone 5B so the rule of thumb is not to plant before Mothers Day, which is done now and I hope to get out this week to ground all but chocolates - I say that because the choc's aren't big enough to get grounded yet especially with as much rain as we'll likely get; they will however get transplanted into much bigger pots for probably the next month (by bigger I mean 6")

[–] 1 pt

I can say that the pictures you posted last year of the chocolate habanero is one of the reasons I decided to try it out this year. I planted 12 chocolate habanero seeds and none sprouted, kind of a letdown, but all the others did.