and combat money laundering.
Only the state is allowed to launder money... tax money, that is.
and combat money laundering.
Only the state is allowed to launder money... tax money, that is.
Looking into this, it really feels like its designed to try to kill small businesses where possible. The fines are HUGE if you don't report and I venture that MOST small businesses don't even know this is a thing.
I know about it because I know several people with LLC's and I read the news. ONE out of 5 knew about it when I brought it up.
My business lawyer who re-registers my LLCs with the govt each year ($485 per LLC) notified me. I had to sign paperwork that I was the beneficial owner and they want a copy of my drivers license or social security card (that I receieved ~50 years ago).
In fact, my state divers license is in question. It isn't the new style with biometric data, it is the old style without. Lawyer wanted me to get a new license but the old license is "good" until my next birthday so fuck'em.