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[–] 5 pts (edited )

The obvious strategy is to create a US based chip foundry and vertically integrate around that, allowing other domestic companies to use the foundry. The government should support this as it will make us less dependent on Asia.

They need to fire the vast majority of their employees and keep only talented technical people.

100% of their MBAs and diversity hires need to go. If you do not code, design chip architecture, or do physical materials work, you are out. All of their executive leadership needs to be engineering.

Finally, they need to raise pay, fix their brand, hire a new generation of engineers, and poach talent from NVIDIA and other companies.

Good luck doing that when (((Blackrock))) and other jewish funds control your board though.

[–] 1 pt

Intel isn't here to make chips anymore, they're here to move money around and be diverse.

[–] 0 pt

Good luck doing that when (((Blackrock))) and other jewish funds control your board though.

Bend the knee or they tank your stock.

When/how do people fight back…. This is corporate blackmail.

[–] 1 pt

They might as well sell everything. They have no engineers left who can design silicone that actually works.

[–] 1 pt

I bet that plant in Ohio gets the ax.

[–] 0 pt

A couple of points to consider on that:

Intel isn't building the factories, they're being built by a company called Brookfield Capital Partners. Brookfield has their hands in a lot of things.

Intel has already said that they would only use the factories if demand required it.

And, I only know of one person in the electronics/tech biz here in town that has been contacted by anyone relating to Intel for any kind of job. That's not a scientific sample, I know, but I'd think more of us would be contacted about jobs there.

I drove past the campus construction area on Mink Street on the way to Johnstown Swappers Day this past weekend. Mink used to be a barely two-wide country road, it's now a divided four-lane street. The entire western side of the area is leveled, and things are being built. Large equipment has been brought in, so they're at least going full tilt with the buildings.

[–] 1 pt

There will be more security guards than IT/operations workers employed there.

[–] 0 pt

If Brookfield is smart, then the buildings will be leased to other companies as warehouse space.