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Wow, a company run by a pajeet is trying to turn what was once a social network for professionals into a dating site because pajeets will proposition a painting.

Wow, a company run by a pajeet is trying to turn what was once a social network for professionals into a dating site because pajeets will proposition a painting.

(post is archived)

[+] [deleted] 3 pts 1y
[–] 1 pt 1y

pajeets, sluts and niggers sexual playground with perverts. Welcome to LinkedIn.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 1y

I did not see this coming to be honest. Having alot of sad lols over here

[–] 1 pt 1y

I'm not surprised. Most of the pajeets involved in the great replacement are also wearing rainbow bracelets and talking about being gay over the top at my workplace. It's why I sit alone in my cubicle and don't talk to anyone. I could just side eye one sideskin faggot and I'd be fired because White pepoal BAD!

How did us White Europeans be so stupid?

No nigger, pajeet, migrant, kike or sand nigger belongs anywhere in our lands.

[–] 1 pt 1y

You spend so much time at work and now workplaces are forced to be diversity shitholes.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 1y

I may have an answer for you.

One of the things that make Arians so cool, and gives us the ability to make awesome white cultures, and why other races and cultures dont blend well with others is because we are good at establishing a set of rules and expectations that family and friends eagerly meet. We set rules that help us maintain a status quo, and have rulers/leaders that enforce/protect this with an iron fist.

Every society and people have a sheeplike people within itself, and the Bible gave instructions on how to guide them and protect them. They are useful idiots that can be trained to parrot the correct narrative/follow the rules, and that's in-part why its important for sheep to go to church so they can memorize the doctrine that keeps them safe.

When the deepstate got involved, our leaders were replaced with evil people. The deepstate started destroying our history, and undermined our culture. Sheep cant handle this, now they can pick and choose from any number of deepstate sponsored narratives. They were told that they can follow any set of rules but if they follow the old set of rules they are a prude that hates forward progress, they're dissinsentivised from participating in traditional Arian cultures.

Niggers, pajeets, migrants and sand niggers became a wolf in sheep's clothing, placed there by our deepstate overlords. Blinders were put on our Arian sheep and they are whipped anytime they participate in "'wrong think"' or try to take the blinders off.

Arian sheep are smarter than we give them credit for, and need a very controlled environment for them to go so heavily against their nature. It took alot of studying and long plays for Arians to not notice this happening. We were separated from our families, culture and history and the wandering blindered sheep are simply looking for a shepherd to guide and protect them while being told they dont need no shepherd. They dont know how to fix the problem so they just say "it is what it is" and let the abuse continue.

To fix our problem, we need Arians to take up the rod and staff and become shepherds that can protect the masses from the deepstate so the sheep can confidently go back to grazing in the correct fields. The sheep think the blinders are there to keep them safe, so you cant take off their headgear and remove the sheepskin from the wolves until a shepherd is able to provide a safe avenue for them to go, otherwise there will be panic and the sheep will scatter in confusion.

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[–] 1 pt 1y

This is really more of a candidate for the future is stupid.

[–] 1 pt 1y

I can legitimately offer services behind 7/11 now

[–] 1 pt 1y

This is another #metoo waiting to happen. The smarter men are probably already deleting their accounts and it won't be long until it implodes.

[–] 0 pt 1y

Linkedin is dogshit.