Entrepreneur literally means "no boss". Revenue reflects true market value for your product or service without middle management or HR or other institution to apply racism to the earnings. Only one person holds blame when no money is made as an entrepreneur.
Receiving the Magic Paper from the papermills doesn't make you smart or educated. We might also consider which college was attended.
Realizing that makes you the enemy of the state.
We all here realized it.
They didn't, even after a year of riots suddenly all the protests that were about racism are now non existent, they didn't question anything. (racism solved guis)
You are expecting way too much of them.
Who would hire a graduate of Capella University?
No they aren't
A degree from a brainwashing mill=/=more educated
It doesn't matter what you know, can or are able to do, the only thing that counts is what is on a piece of paper.
Thats life.
Gl running a business and hiring anyone worth a fuck with that mind set
Not when you are an entrepreneur.
Plenty of "non educated" entrepreneurs are very successful.
That's not an excuse for anyone.
Well thats the thin maybe its different in the US in many European countires or better EU you have to have a paper before you can do anything.
You can have all the rules, laws and skills needed to start a company, if you don't have a specific piece of paper confirming your "education" you are simply not allowed to operate.
Just shows they should all fuck off back to Africa where everything is more “civilized and fair”
Sooo, they are blaming racism that your company you started makes less money than a company a white man started?
There is literally no one holding you back you can work as much or as little as you want and you can work at all hours and pay yourself how much you want.
If white men earn more, just up your own salry.
The point I was attempting to make with this post is that they do not even realize that their effort to educate the public on inequality actually has the opposite effect.
It's OK. Niggers are Worth Less!
more educated in WHAT? PARASITE "professions" (counselor, social worker, butt wiper, nigger studies, womens studies,etc). ALL BULSHIT, EVIL careers that are PRO PARASITE.
Niggers are FUCKING STUPID. Girls are dumb (delusional).
butt wiper
You cant throw those who take care of the elderly into the same category with all the others listed. (Take care as take care and not the nigger abuse way)
Parasites are parasites. Elderly on PENSIONS for keeping their MOUTHS shut when they SHOULD have been AVOIDING the MESS we're in NOW. Pensions mean WE are PAYING (even the UNBORN FUTURE) for THEIR sitting comfortably in their own filth being "cared" for by nigger parasites.
You need to SHED the veil of "goodness" shoved down your throat for the EVIL that it IS.
Black female entrepreneur: Hair and nail salon, beauty supply, or day care center.
Started with a GOVERNMENT grant with NO doubt.
If a river runs through a desert, will it make the rocks fertile? You can throw as much knowledge as you want at them, but that 78 IQ will still limit them.
(post is archived)