Do books like that help? I've always needed to just start a toy program or some tool I needed and try to start piecing the code together.
Stack exchange for clarification though that's always a hit or miss and the occasional YouTube or bitchute how-to.
Well, speaking from personal experience, I would say yes. I can say that the reasons as for why could be:
- Reading slows you down giving your brain more time to "catch up".
- Many books will give you hint/tips very often, some will go as far as explaining how it works under the hood.
- Publishing a books is harder than making a video, as literally anyone can publish a video, but not everyone can publish a book, thus books on average will have a lot more effort put into them.
- Books also tend to have a glossary explaining each concept in detail, think of it as a wikipedia of sorts. Books are an all in one type of deal.
- You are forced to write down the code rather than simply copy/pasting it, allowing you to make mistakes and learn from them.
- Programming is all about reading and understand the code, books help you train exactly that.
- And finally but not less important, you don't need internet access.
I can say that in the few days that I have been reading the book that I have started to subconciously "compile" the code in my brain. By that I mean that if I see this: printf("This is just %c placeholder \nnumber: %d", 'a', 4); I automatically understand it as: This is just a placeholder number: 4
I also installed an IDE (integrated development enviroment) on my phone so I can practice on the go, it is called C4droid and I highly recommend it. It is a paid app but worth every cent. If you want to go with desktop, get Code::Blocks, it is multiplatform and it isn't Microsoft's Visual Studio.
I say start off with an Arduino in plain C. (an ATMegaXXX with a bootloader, no programmer needed, just a USB to RS232 converter). Once you get the hang of that, move on into doing it on a Raspberry Pi where you meet your new friend (or enemy) malloc();
Plenty of free online resources. Never once had to buy a book. I did buy a couple books a long, long, time ago, just never read them.
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