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(((Modern beer))) is loaded with estrogen. You are willfully feminizing yourself and altering your brain chemistry into that of a woman when you drink (((modern beer))).

Identification of a potent phytoestrogen in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) and beer - PubMed

Alcoholic Beverages as a Source of Estrogens

Topic: Hops beer has estrogenic and sedative effect

The Fall of Gruit & the Rise of Brewer’s Droop

Beer, Hops, Estrogen, Sedation of the Population – Why Men Shouldn’t Ever Drink Beer

"If you’re a man and want to lower your testosterone levels, grow manboobs, big belly and get more feminine - continue to drink beer. Beer is known as a manly drink, but in actuality beer is perhaps one of the most powerful estrogenic drinks on the Earth.

Hopped beer is worse than soy when it comes to estrogen. Of course (((they))) have their fingerprints all over it.

Prior to the German Beer Purity Act of 1516, beer almost never contained hops. In fact, more than one hundred different plants were used in brewing beer for at least ten thousand years prior to the introduction of hops in the middle ages.

For the last thousand years of that period, the most dominant form of "beer" was called gruit, which contained a mixture of yarrow, bog myrtle, and marsh rosemary. These herbs, especially in beer, are sexually and mentally stimulating. (It is rare to become sleepy when drinking un-hopped beers.

The Catholic Church had a monopoly on the production of gruit, but competing (((merchants))) and the Protestants worked together to break their monopoly and force the removal of all sexually-stimulating herbs from beer. They replaced them with an herb that puts the drinker to sleep and dulls sexual drive in the male.

Never drink (((modern beer))) if you're male."

(((Modern beer))) is loaded with estrogen. You are willfully feminizing yourself and altering your brain chemistry into that of a woman when you drink (((modern beer))). --- >**Identification of a potent phytoestrogen in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) and beer - PubMed** > >- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10372741 >- https://archive.today/dqNWD > >**Alcoholic Beverages as a Source of Estrogens** > >- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6761902/ >- https://web.archive.org/web/20230510192753/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6761902/ >- https://archive.today/oOBkH > PDF > https://web.archive.org/web/20230323135200/https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh22-3/220.pdf > https://web.archive.org/web/20230510192753/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6761902/pdf/arh-22-3-220.pdf > >**Topic: Hops beer has estrogenic and sedative effect** > >- http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=117046.0 >- https://archive.today/wbr8e > >**The Fall of Gruit & the Rise of Brewer’s Droop** > >- https://www.gruitale.com/art_fall_of_gruit.htm >- https://archive.today/UILKC > >**Beer, Hops, Estrogen, Sedation of the Population – Why Men Shouldn’t Ever Drink Beer** > >- https://www.lifetwink.com/beer-hops-estrogen-sedation-of-the-population-men-shouldnt-ever-drink-beer/ >- https://archive.today/Zx4J9 >- https://yewtu.be/watch?v=G4rJFlVzunY > >>"*If you’re a man and want to lower your testosterone levels, grow manboobs, big belly and get more feminine - continue to drink beer. Beer is known as a manly drink, but in actuality beer is perhaps one of the most powerful estrogenic drinks on the Earth.* >> >>*Hopped beer is worse than soy when it comes to estrogen. Of course (((they))) have their fingerprints all over it.* >> >>*Prior to the German Beer Purity Act of 1516, beer almost never contained hops. In fact, more than one hundred different plants were used in brewing beer for at least ten thousand years prior to the introduction of hops in the middle ages.* >> >>*For the last thousand years of that period, the most dominant form of "beer" was called gruit, which contained a mixture of yarrow, bog myrtle, and marsh rosemary. These herbs, especially in beer, are sexually and mentally stimulating. (It is rare to become sleepy when drinking un-hopped beers.* >> >>*The Catholic Church had a monopoly on the production of gruit, but competing (((merchants))) and the Protestants worked together to break their monopoly and force the removal of all sexually-stimulating herbs from beer. They replaced them with an herb that puts the drinker to sleep and dulls sexual drive in the male.* >> >>*Never drink (((modern beer))) if you're male.*"
[–] 1 pt

Not suprising notwithstang the vast shell game of (((owners))). Walked away from all booze 5 years (and one month) ago. All dumped down the drain, never looked back...