Let's circle back around to where I don't have time for that.
You don't have to post hundreds of pictures in a row.
A pic a day takes a few seconds.
I use automation to make feeds from potentially interesting stuff.
Mainly, bots repost the most interacted with material in those feeds sporadically throughout multiple platforms.
I don't do that on Poal because it would absolutely flood the site. Even like 12 posts a day will take up half the front of hot.
But, generally, I try to spend almost zero time posting.
If I do post on Poal, it is almost always via bookmarklet.
I've just filled up so many hard drives, I don't really bother saving stuff locally, anymore.
One at a time posting makes it a time sink. There aren't enough hours in the day, literally, to manually do a thousand posts, so I have to be judicious in how my time is spent.
I also have a family and a job and hobbies.
My goal is to have an automated system that fights against the media hegemony using the tools the media hegemony provides.
I want dissent to be built into the system. And, when I post something, or when my bots post something, my hope is that it gets reposted on other platforms and spreads.
So, I am constantly checking to see where I post stuff that results in reports.
Poal is about last (wasn't always so) and 4chan is about the best.
If I post something on Poal, it doesn't have that much reach.
If my bot posts even average content on 4chan, it is highly likely to end up on reddit, Twitter, Gab, etc.
Personally, I can't post to reddit. They have a hard on for me, specifically, at this point. Doesn't matter how many accounts I create or from what device or IP address.
If you post a picture of Hunter Biden choking that girl from his video, you will get shadowbanned. If you post a picture that looks like Hillary and Huma passed out on a ping pong table, you will get shadowbanned. Or... at least, I will.
The reason is because devices are now giving away your "inferred identity" and old devices that don't do that require captchas and 2 factor authentication. You can subvert this by creating an actual identity on your device of a real person. But... one slip up... one login to a stray email account, or wrong login to the wrong wifi and it figures out your inferred identity and then you get banned.
It is so bad for me, now, they've even taken my very unique name from Google results. Googling me reveals nothing because I've been tied to posting original leak material.
The only way I can get good, dissenting content to spread is if someone else posts it.
I'm great at spreading medium tier content. But that isn't what people need to see to wake them up. They need to see the full contents of the Hunter Biden Laptop and there is 100% no place on the Internet to post it. They need to see the crimes being committed by these people in a manner that conforms to their normie Internetting habits. YouTube. Twitter. Reddit.
AI is now great at showing corruption in easily digestible pieces.
But, to post 250, one at a time over the course of days while 1,000 a day are being made... it's a consumption issue.
It is now possible to generate endless good content and make feeds of endless good content. Normie feeds are easier to infiltrate via art with no word cues.
The challenge is now how to evade censorship enough to enter normie feeds and sprinkle them with dissenting opinions so they stop regurgitating mainstream media talking points; to overwhelm the censors.
If Poal had more reach, then it might be worth it to break off a few hours in a day to, first, comb through thousands of entries and mark out which ones are worth reposting, then, upload, then repost.
When I post a Twitter link on Poal, I can actually see how many visits result on Twitter. Maybe 10. If I wait a day, then post it on fake Voat, I can, then see which results in more hits. Maybe a couple dozen. Patriots.win? Maybe 100. Reddit? Maybe 500. You get more interaction for screenshots of Twitter posts in many places than actual Twitter links. Of course, if I post it on 4chan, a Twitter link gets 1,000s of views.
Maybe that helps you understand where I'm coming from.
I feel like you are trying to get me to conform to how your idea of Poal should be treated and I am using it in a completely different way than you are imagining.
I'd like to see Poal have maximum reach. But, until then, it is an afterthought relative to nearly every other platform.
Poal has better features and functionality than all the other Reddit clones. Poal deserves to have more reach.
And when it does, I might be inclined to one at a time a 100 posts over the course of a few days. But I don't consider it a job well done if I fill up the front page with only my posts. Jews, normies and fellow nooticers, alike, all get their panties in a bunch over it, even if it is all good content.
Sadly, it seems like you didn't understand the meaning of my comment. It's ok. It's not important.
The goal of Poal, unlike voat-wannabe places, isn't to become the top, and you misunderstand its purpose.
I'm not trying to get you to conform to "my idea", but to show you that when you post in a sub, you should consider how it is actually used.
Posting external links to twatter just to see images is a waste of time for people who expect direct image links that can be loaded in Poal expando, thus saving loading time and resources.
You don't want to do that, fine. But don't give me that wall of text passive-aggressive attitude, trying to belittle Poal with your made-up stats.
(post is archived)