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[Every single aspect of MASS IMMIGRATION is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/2nzQdm.jpg) [jewry is at the core of the anti-White narrative](https://pic8.co/sh/QbLVoH.png) [Every Single Aspect of Anti-White Hate is jewish](https://pic8.co/sh/k7wsTF.jpg) The rabbi hole goes even deeper >> https://poal.co/s/GoyimTV/661875
[–] 1 pt (edited )

Of course they don't represent real Londonistan as it is these days. Now we remember how London was only by looking at photos from the swinging sixties. And unfortunately this has become the case with most large European cities.

Often the papers mention someone (usually regarding his arrest) as "English" or "German" and so on and the photo shows someone from the third world.