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[–] 4 pts (edited )

In summary: white people are not fragile like other races because we understand we're actually in control. We know we built society and the rest of society depends on our good graces. Fore, if we were to stop engineering, stop designing, stop repairing, stop farming, society would cease to function.

Think of white people like those computer experts people depend on. When the computer breaks, who would society turn to?

Niggers are not able to survive in white society without nearly 100% subsidies. They just can't do it. When times are good, we can help ourselves plus an amazing amount of dead weight. We are that efficient. When times become harsh, we struggle to keep ourselves afloat and no longer are able to subsidize the nigger. So the government must increase tyranny, create more guilt in order to coerce us into continously subsidizing then. This is why all the talk about reparations. There needs to be way to extract more support when support wanes.

Tax receipts are down, corruption is high right now. We're being asked to carry an ever increasing burden of garbage weight. The squatters in the Whitehouse are desperately stealing as much as they can while simultaneously trying to force us to keep their mercenaries effective. The squatter's future power depends on niggers and lots of them. Now the paradox. We already can't support the niggers we have already. There's only one outcome.

We joke about what’s not a real problem. Where real hurt and real points of weakness lie underneath, in a society or in an individual, a solemn silence is to be found.

[–] 1 pt

All of that. Plus. According to the "powers that be" it is not possible to be racist against White people.

Because being anti-White is directly, unapologetically racist. But you know, since non-White people are the world majority, it is ok to be Racist against White's.. because.. reasons.