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(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts

When referring to black or brown people, replace black or brown with nigger.

[–] 7 pts

I changed my mind. This is great. You can capitalize Brown. You can use the word. Be as specific as possible is the message to the staff.

"Can the brown person in seat 31B please remove their headphones for the safety demonstration"

You were just being specific as per guidelines

[–] 6 pts

Ok. Here is how we get around this. Register a new airline, call it something like "Whiter Skies". The only people allowed to fly on it are the owners. The only people allowed to be owners are White. We vet EVERYBODY who wants to be an owner. Fuck off libs.
OUR planes are boarded through the private entrance of airports, on the tarmac. We don't deal with TSA, we don't wait around at the gate with nogs who are going to fight in the airport or on the plane.
Airports won't allow us to use their runways? Fuck them. We build our own. Strategically. After an airport closes, we buy it for $1 or whatever. Now we own that fucker and we're the only airline allowed to fly there, unless we see value in allowing SOME international direct flights to and there to pay us fees. Those passengers are sequestered from US. They go through the TSA bullshit. We don't. All pilots and ground crew are White. We live happily ever after.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I would like to fill out an employment application for apprentice Aircraft Mechanic with your Airport, Thank you Sir!

Also may I suggest the Airport Code for your new facilities. WHT.

Also would like to have a hub for White Flight Airlines at your locations also.

[–] 1 pt

White Flight. That is a great name. I just thought up "It's all White" as an alternate.

[–] 3 pts

A lawsuit needs to teach them a lesson

[–] 2 pts

Made me dig up the style guide for the company I work for. Nothing so terrible yet, although there were silly things about not using aggressive words like bullet points and war room. Oh and people are not diabetics but people with diabetes and of course there was the please use 'people experiencing homelessness.'

They screech about equity and all that crap in every meeting so I keep waiting for the more blatant anti-white stuff to start.

Saw my first work troon on a training call today. I wouldn't be able to even acknowledge such a creature if it were on my team. Most of my team are dots so I doubt they'd allow one, so hopefully I won't ever have to deal with one.

[–] 2 pts

If my employer tried to give me this shit I would sue the fuck out of them.

[–] 2 pts

Good luck in jew court.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, that would be a problem.. Though there are some states/cities that still have some hope.

[–] 1 pt

blacks are niggers and browns are shitskins.

Here's the new memo Delta faglines.

[–] 1 pt

Whites need to move to Texas.

[–] 0 pt

Too many beaners there.

[–] 1 pt

They can be displaced or better, replaced.

[–] 1 pt

Where did you come across this style guide?

[–] 2 pts

Someone leaked it. Found it on Twatter.

[–] 2 pts

Have a look at the diversity rampant in this. (xezojetit.ru)

[–] 2 pts

Can't wait to see what that diversity will bring.

Boeing has already started to get a taste of it.