Interesting, since there sure is a lot of hate for a people that supposedly doesn’t exist.
If biological race "theory" is now defunct and debunked, then there is no reason why the jews cannot mix with other "races". They keep using the excuse that they must not let migrants in and intermingle with the jewish genetics because that would wipe out the jews. But with biological race not being real in their minds, then there is nothing distinct about the jews to wipe out, right? Sounds to me like their flimsy excuse is completely unfounded and bigoted. Also, if there is no biological races, then there is no racism so fuck off with that misinformation and lies jews.
jewpedia has been completely useless as an intellectual source for years. I don't even trust it for scientific data.
Fucking jews and their kikepedia. They just lie about everything they can to try and convince the idiotic masses of whatever disgusting twisted thing they can think up next.
We need to edit the jewish entry. Anyone here into editing kikepedia? I’m sure we could make it very entertaining, must include the happy merchant meme.
The page is titled "Why Ethnicity Matters When Donating Bone Marrow (".
The funny thing is, bone marrow transplant registries have the fucking nerve to charge people that want to register to donate. Bone marrow is fucking medical magic, more valuable than gold and they expect White people to give away the very fundament of existence.
Ethnicity does matter when it comes to bone marrow transplants; Whites donate at a rate of almost 4:1 neegroe donation. But they'll piss and moan about "oh doze ebul wyte peepole".
Fuck them all. If my White brother or sister needs marrow and I'd be a possible match- I'll do it. Otherwise- nfw.
So that means there's no such thing as racism, right? White people can't be racist towards niggers and sandpotatoes, right?
Yeah, anything from there might as well be from anywhere. ""
If that's how the feel, then we should begin funding travel for sub Saharan Africans directly to Israel.
All race is a social construct and can't be disproved by saying that some myth about it has been disproved. Neither blacks or hispanics or asians have a single origin. But whites are still all being systematically eradicated.
White people all have more in common than we do with non whites. Higher IQ, stronger work ethic, more empathy and compassion, higher integrity.
We should be fighting with everything we have for the right to free association. We don't need a common gene to be better off with each other than we are with non whites bringing us down.
(post is archived)