This just in, according to the TV, America is now 90% black, and gay.
- Norm Mcdonald
This just in, according to the TV, America is now 90% black, and gay.
And at least one half of men married to white women in TV commercials
You shoulda seen Price is Right tonight. Wife just turned it on for a minute.
Two men faggots with kids, two lesbians with two daughters, one 'blended' family consisting of a negro and a (wait for it) Oriental (for real), with kids, and yes, one token regular white family.
Those were the contestants. So we turned on a pre-recorded Jeopardy (with only a guy with red hair that resembled a faggot, other times they have real faggots, lesbians).
I’ve been thinking about posing as a negress online and spreading pills about how black men are almost always being depicted with white women. Start identifying groups to target for trying to wipe out the black woman from society, and how this race mixing also undermines the ‘strong’ black family. I can lay the bullshit on thick.
(post is archived)