WelcomeUser Guide

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Start a local homeschool program where kids can get hour-long presentations from local people who know shit. Now this can be ANYTHING of value. Some old lady knows how to bake a killer pie? Well then she gives a cooking class. A man knows how to weld? Then he teaches welding to older boys and local men. Know some animal husbandry then kids get to raise animals on your land. Stuff like that. Perhaps you know how to build PCs from scrap? Buy/take donations of old computers, rebuild them, put Linux OSes on them and sell them on Craigslist. Shit like that.

The way to get people to do it is to PAY THEM. Not in Dollars though, mandate payment in Bitcoin to do the program. This forces parents to get and use bitcoin. It forces the people who want to teach to either do it for free or learn to use Bitcoin. It will also teach kids that this is important and will harden them greatly against the coming horrors and treachery of CBDCs which is coming hot and fast.

But no one knows how to use nerd money! Oy vey, its too hard! Well let me tell you something. I promise you no low IQ trash will be showing up for this will they? Only whites and Asians will be on board. Probably with no exceptions, probably for a very long time. Does that sound like something positive? What do you think?

There is one more small thing that needs to be done and it is this: You need a single local business to be onboard. This could be a local pizza place or burger joint. Not a chain or whatever but a truly local yokel place where you can talk to the owner directly. This is very important because you can tell the people who would be teachers that they can take their bitcoin to the pizza place and buy a pizza with it or whatever. Some places where this can be done pretty much for free are local libraries.

How to get BTC to noobs to get this going? easy. YOU SELL IT TO THEM FOR CASH. All they need is a wallet on their phone. Once they get that first pizza they will be thinking of how to get more BTC without buying it and will want to start teaching and sharing their skills. :) In really short order this will go from teaching and skill share to odd jobs and 2nd hand purchases to real work and real goods.

That is how to build an uderground econonmy, save your children from horrible schools and those of other people as well, build local communities, build local economies, keep good people in a community so they dont have to leave to go to nog-riddled cities or to horrible debt based colleges and can make a good living in the process. It will get them some buy-in to a new free economy and will get value and work OUT of the hands of politicians, banks, governments, jews and cross-border trash. This shit is powerful. Local girls will have an opportunity to teach local kids for enough BTC to pay the bills and live after a time. Literally becoming teachers locally and under the table. Their alternative life choice will be to suck on dildos on OnlyFans to pay for college debt. Local guys can start unofficial businesses with the skills they get or build in this program and make money locally instead of having to turn guy to join the US Military or also be a college debt slave. Pure free economies scale FAST. As soon as there is profits to be made people will be there in FORCE. I promise you. NOW is the time to start.

In the next 6 months we will see the bottom of these crypto markets in dollar terms. Count on it. Never price anything in dollars. Instead price it in BTC or, better yet, in SATS. Tell people they can lock in their costs TODAY by getting some BTC before the dollar prices change. NEVER change the BTC price. It never goes up and never needs to because of the nature of its limited supply. Those prices only go DOWN. :)

Start a local homeschool program where kids can get hour-long presentations from local people who know shit. Now this can be ANYTHING of value. Some old lady knows how to bake a killer pie? Well then she gives a cooking class. A man knows how to weld? Then he teaches welding to older boys and local men. Know some animal husbandry then kids get to raise animals on your land. Stuff like that. Perhaps you know how to build PCs from scrap? Buy/take donations of old computers, rebuild them, put Linux OSes on them and sell them on Craigslist. Shit like that. The way to get people to do it is to PAY THEM. Not in Dollars though, mandate payment in Bitcoin to do the program. This forces parents to get and use bitcoin. It forces the people who want to teach to either do it for free or learn to use Bitcoin. It will also teach kids that this is important and will harden them greatly against the coming horrors and treachery of CBDCs which is coming hot and fast. But no one knows how to use nerd money! Oy vey, its too hard! Well let me tell you something. I promise you no low IQ trash will be showing up for this will they? Only whites and Asians will be on board. Probably with no exceptions, probably for a very long time. Does that sound like something positive? What do you think? There is one more small thing that needs to be done and it is this: You need a single local business to be onboard. This could be a local pizza place or burger joint. Not a chain or whatever but a truly local yokel place where you can talk to the owner directly. This is very important because you can tell the people who would be teachers that they can take their bitcoin to the pizza place and buy a pizza with it or whatever. Some places where this can be done pretty much for free are local libraries. How to get BTC to noobs to get this going? easy. YOU SELL IT TO THEM FOR CASH. All they need is a wallet on their phone. Once they get that first pizza they will be thinking of how to get more BTC without buying it and will want to start teaching and sharing their skills. :) In really short order this will go from teaching and skill share to odd jobs and 2nd hand purchases to real work and real goods. That is how to build an uderground econonmy, save your children from horrible schools and those of other people as well, build local communities, build local economies, keep good people in a community so they dont have to leave to go to nog-riddled cities or to horrible debt based colleges and can make a good living in the process. It will get them some buy-in to a new free economy and will get value and work OUT of the hands of politicians, banks, governments, jews and cross-border trash. This shit is powerful. Local girls will have an opportunity to teach local kids for enough BTC to pay the bills and live after a time. Literally becoming teachers locally and under the table. Their alternative life choice will be to suck on dildos on OnlyFans to pay for college debt. Local guys can start unofficial businesses with the skills they get or build in this program and make money locally instead of having to turn guy to join the US Military or also be a college debt slave. Pure free economies scale FAST. As soon as there is profits to be made people will be there in FORCE. I promise you. NOW is the time to start. In the next 6 months we will see the bottom of these crypto markets in dollar terms. Count on it. Never price anything in dollars. Instead price it in BTC or, better yet, in SATS. Tell people they can lock in their costs TODAY by getting some BTC before the dollar prices change. NEVER change the BTC price. It never goes up and never needs to because of the nature of its limited supply. Those prices only go DOWN. :)

(post is archived)