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I just caught this article. It describes my hopes for this place far better than I can. I agree completely with the author minus a single point of fleeing blue states and concentrating in red areas. This will cause us to be easy concentrated targets. Our positive externality will be hidden and dismissed. The only thing that needs to be abandoned is the cities and suburbs. If you must remain in them then vote straight ticket blue to accelerate their collapse and have a foot out the door. If you have children then staying is an increasingly bad idea.

All the rural areas of blue states are where many hard core adherents of our ideals reside. You go to rural South Dakota and most people have literally no clue what it's like to stand on the front lines. Go to rural Northern California and those motherfuckers KNOW. They have stood on the front lines for 2 full generations now. Hiding behind people who are too poor to flee is the cowards way out.

We should not give ground. We will cut support for those who need it the most. The goal should not be to build a tiny white rural reservation in the US heartland that is completely surrounded... But to provide an example of how to live and live well outside these terrible systems that surround us.

I just caught this article. It describes my hopes for this place far better than I can. I agree completely with the author minus a single point of fleeing blue states and concentrating in red areas. This will cause us to be easy concentrated targets. Our positive externality will be hidden and dismissed. The only thing that needs to be abandoned is the cities and suburbs. If you must remain in them then vote straight ticket blue to accelerate their collapse and have a foot out the door. If you have children then staying is an increasingly bad idea. All the rural areas of blue states are where many hard core adherents of our ideals reside. You go to rural South Dakota and most people have literally no clue what it's like to stand on the front lines. Go to rural Northern California and those motherfuckers KNOW. They have stood on the front lines for 2 full generations now. Hiding behind people who are too poor to flee is the cowards way out. We should not give ground. We will cut support for those who need it the most. The goal should not be to build a tiny white rural reservation in the US heartland that is completely surrounded... But to provide an example of how to live and live well outside these terrible systems that surround us.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

That looks like A LOT of work. IDK if I would want to build that way TBH. I mean... If I had an army of help perhaps. Those Hesco barriers that were used by the military are filled with a machine like a backhoe. That would be far better IMO then just pretty them up on the outside and inside. Really though, just build ANYTHING with whatever works for the local area and stay off the radar. Then the government comes and takes it from you... More importantly one must get out of their banking system. Get out of their school systems. Stop supporting their shit. No reason to go hide in the woods til you die of scurvy or whatever.

[–] 1 pt

It might become necessary to go live in a far removed place... I mean, a civilizational collapse that's potentially what's on the horizon, it's really bad

We have all the symptoms of a civilizational collapse; all the degeneracy you see, that's the stuffs the old testament talks about among other things... When such degeneracy becomes the new normal, it's not a good omen to put it simply. On top of that, financially speaking, when that motherfucker will blow, we're entering the realm of something never seen before, it's weimar power 10000. Or the collapse of the soviet union reloaded if you will, the difference being that, back in 1991, the USSR collapsed but the world around remained functional and every russian had a roof over his head since everything was state owned and given to them. In the US everything is private... And, on top of that, we're not just talking about a collapse of the US but everything attached to it also...

How most people will react? Worst case scenario it's going to be walk the dead https://pic8.co/sh/SAvBpM.png

Now talking about actual worst case scenario... I only considered things under the financial and societal angle, you have the military angle also, we can add a fucking nuclear exchange on top of that and that's not entirely off the table https://poal.co/s/DailyStormer/591558

But well, past this point it's mostly fucked for pretty much anything...

[–] 2 pts

Meh... Bunch of fear-porn. No way any of that bullshit will happen. Maybe in a few isolated areas. There will be years to get out of them. The US is becoming a shitty tin-pot dictatorship that has lost the support of far more than the majority of the people. Guess what nations that rely on fake elections do when that happens? They dramatically cut and undermine and divide and separate up their militarizes. They make damn sure that the military is not representative culturally and racially of the people. They make damn sure that the military is not effective either. The military needs to be a conflicted clusterfuck with YES-men at the top 100%. Does that sound like what the military is becoming today? Pretty much right on the mark...

So what does that tell you about the country. First, it is verification that the voting is fake. It is also verification that the US political system has ended entirely is now a socialist oligopoly. ...now what will you do if you are in charge of such a military? Go attack another nation??? Really? With gay generals that the people hate and that would depose you if they were not constantly infighting and hated by the people? Doubtful.

Instead you would sell your military tech to nations that are dramatically behind you so that they can build up their militaries to rival your own. Gasp!!!! really!!! Yes. Then you can both have reasons to not go to war. Money can BE SPENT on war but no real wars need be fought. The people think there will be one any minute and will allow disasterous spending to prevent it. White men can be caught up in it and poisioned with vaccines. Their future families never born.

There will be no large war. No large collapse. Only a slow grind into CBCDs and control systems. China is the future example. That is where we are going. The US will get it the worst in the end. Have a foot out the door.

[–] 0 pt

There will be no large war. No large collapse. Only a slow grind into CBCDs and control systems.

Loud and clear.

[–] 0 pt

> ...now what will you do if you are in charge of such a military? Go attack another nation??? Really? With gay generals that the people hate and that would depose you if they were not constantly infighting and hated by the people? Doubtful.

But that's exactly what they did and do...

They keep doing it, since a while now, and they went as far as getting fully engaged in a proxy war with russia. It's not a war between ukraine and russia, it's a war between US and russia that we have here...

Last time I checked they're batshit insane delusional... Reminds me of this btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uQaE0_71wc&t=73s

Besides, you have the christian zionist block who's hell bent on supporting US jews and israel, for a reason... And that reason has to do with the end times, israel gets destroyed and all jews die and the remaining few convert to christianity while jesus comes back. I know this sounds crazy and at the same time it's very real

And who said the utter destruction of america and the western civilization itself to a larger extent, isn't exactly what we're witnessing? US gov seems to have been a tad hijacked... And as far as I can tell the purpose is to run everything to the ground, adn I'm not sure europeans will remain a majority in their respective countries for very long with all the violently retarded muhdickroids they purposefully let enter on their territory

I'm certain we're being forwarded straight to the oven, western civilization is under attack, from within, it's not just a succession of unfortunate accidents or a mere story of honest mistakes, IMO

It's outright evil, and it's not the number of people who wish the western civilization to be dead that are lacking on this planet...

I think we're done like diner, but maybe I'm wrong, who knows...

>There will be no large war. No large collapse. Only a slow grind into CBCDs and control systems. China is the future example. That is where we are going. The US will get it the worst in the end. Have a foot out the door.

Maybe, and maybe they'll completely lose control of the malarkey dictatorship...

[–] 0 pt

Agree - the idea that we all have to go solo off-grid won't work for the majority of people. Unless you know exactly what you're doing, you won't survive and/or will be an easy target.

Stop supporting their shit.

Yes - For example, every time we use anything "smartt" we're giving them information - and information is power. Don't give them your power.