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Move in the direction of less debt in your personal life. This means ALL debt. Dont give me all that nonsense about how your mortgage on that McMansion is somehow good debt. Its not. There is no such thing as good debt in this system. In a solid asset-based monetary system that is a different story entirely but we are not in that.

So when I say no debt I mean it. No credit cards, no car loan, no home mortgage, NO DEBT. Someone who is doing this for the first time may simply sell some shit they have lying about to decrease their debt load, then target their smallest balance first and pay it off. Stuff like that. If you have a 25 year runway on your mortgage then you need to get out of that house to accomplish this goal. Sorry to say it but that is the case. No excuses there.

Move in the direction of less debt in your personal life. This means ALL debt. Dont give me all that nonsense about how your mortgage on that McMansion is somehow good debt. Its not. There is no such thing as good debt in this system. In a solid asset-based monetary system that is a different story entirely but we are not in that. So when I say no debt I mean it. No credit cards, no car loan, no home mortgage, NO DEBT. Someone who is doing this for the first time may simply sell some shit they have lying about to decrease their debt load, then target their smallest balance first and pay it off. Stuff like that. If you have a 25 year runway on your mortgage then you need to get out of that house to accomplish this goal. Sorry to say it but that is the case. No excuses there.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

I suppose a good way to live without much debt would be to rent an place or buy it out-right, use only cash and a debit card, and to buy a cheap used car from a third-party dealer?

[–] 1 pt

Work with others to make it happen. Yes... It will require a dramatically lower standard of living. It is not something that can be done easily or in a short timeframe, especially if you are older and have a family or not rich as fuck already.

[–] 1 pt

I have no debt. I do have a credit card for convenience, and also as an emergency option. It's unlikely I'll ever need to use it for that, but it's another financial tool in the box. As long as you have the discipline to pay off the card every month, and as long as the card costs you nothing, it's a good thing to have.

If someone found themselves buying things on credit and putting them on the card, I'd say get rid of the card to remove temptation and cut out the Jew-level interest charges.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Ahhhhh the credit card salesman. Muh emergency. Muh paid off every month. Did you know that even if you have no balance the fact that you COULD POTENTIALLY have a balance in certain conditions allows bankers to borrow against your potential income when grouped together with thousands of other similar people? They still sell your ass like a dirty hooker behind the dumpster. You are really and deeply missing the point here. The point is for there to be literally no credit cards at all because everyone canceled their shit. Using it wisely for you is still using it and you will still be exploited. If not you then you will be grouped with people who are fuckwits to make their tranche of debt look better allowing it to be re-hypothecated into some other idiot's "asset" which will be sold into your retirement fund. Guess what happens if you are not there at all? Guess what happens if you dont even have a bank account with a balance over $50 at a time? They cant do that shit can they. You are a faggot slave who supports the system by perpetuating their lies and keeping other weaker people enslaved. You are the problem. Literally you personally are one of the biggest reasons the world cannot improve. Go die in a fire.

[–] 0 pt

I think having a credit card in good standing is a good way to build your credit.

Having good credit is absolutely necessary at a time when lenders, employers, and landlords look at that first. It's not ideal to have outstanding debt, but you need to take it on sometimes and in well thought out instances. Also, it's easier to "fly under the radar" with good credit. I think it allows access to funds, certain jobs, and opportunities such as purchasing land or equipment, or starting your own business that you wouldn't have otherwise.

For instance, I used credit to buy tools for my job. Those tools were absolutely necessary to advance my career and I was able to use my payment history to get a mortgage. I bought my house when I was 26, and most difinately didn't have the $100k+ in cash at the time. I had no family to borrow money from either. It's nearly paid off now (8 years in) and I used my credit and some equity in my home to purchase a plot of land. I'm using it for farming/hunting.... my family calls it a "dacha" and eventually I'll build a small cabin on it. If I would wait to pay for the land in cash, I would be too old to farm it by the time I amass that sum (I say this with sarcasm!).

Now that I have my own house, land, mini-farmette area (hard to describe but it's functional ariable land) water source, and woodland, I'm actually able to make a break for freedom.

It's a shame we don't have communal money pools that families could borrow from with no interest (the Amish around me do that with their church members and it seems to work for them) but we live in a low-trust society and I don't see regular people willing to give large sums of fiat to strangers. Perhaps "money pools" would be a good idea to start organizing???

[–] 1 pt

Agreed. You shouldn't even need debt using fiat currency because you're not actually borrowing anything. With real money, you actually take possession of an asset: gold. The jews have used mind control to convince people to pay interest on nothing. The jew media constantly reinforces the idea that currency equals money. It does not.

[–] 1 pt

Yes. This is correct. Asset backed debt denominated in an asset based currency is pretty benign as well.

[–] 1 pt

Now, if you look at currency as a proxy for our labor, currency creation is 100% theft. It just happens slowly enough, few complain. Today... people are complaining. This is why the fed made a half assed attempt to keep inflation to 2%.

[–] 1 pt

You're entirely correct and I agree with you for the most part. There's an exception but it is one that you can use to your advantage: your mortgage interest is a tax write-off. Many wealthy individuals use this to minimize tax payments. Granted, you're paying a (((mortgage company))) the extra money in interest, but at least you're removing that money from the government coffers. One of my main goals is to reduce my tax burden as much as possible so I'm not funding people that hate me, enabling policy that goes against everyone's best interest, and contributing to social programs that get subsidies to grow a problem instead of resolve it.

100% debt free is solid advice for the average person, but has some nuance to consider.

[–] 0 pt
  • move to a tax-free state
  • reduce your income to below federal income tax levels
  • live off the grid
  • live in a trailer instead of a house
  • move around constantly
  • have your mail forwarded by a forwarding service

All these are possible options I have no intention of ever using myself, because I don't need them.

[–] 0 pt

There are NO tax free states.
Reduce your taxable income below income tax levels.
moving and mail dont matter a bit.
trailers suck

[–] 0 pt

...but if everyone simply walked away from it all it would ALL collapse. Your entire life would be a tax writeoff not just your mortgage interest because there would be no income tax or cap-gains tax. Just like in 1910 and before. Literally fighting for a tax writeoff is the reason you have to pay taxes in the first place. take a moment to re-read that last sentence 10 times. Ill re-type it. Fighting for the mortgage tax writeoff is the reason you have to pay taxes in the first place. Stop using their money and they cannot tax you. It is the realized income or capital gains that is taxed. So realize in their currency, no gain and you dont owe shit. I hate to say it bro but you are still deeply entrenched in their slavery mindset.

[–] 0 pt

First off, I was giving you an example of what the wealthy do to reduce their tax burden. That's not what I personally adhere to, but it is something to consider. I'm not "fighting" for a tax write-off.

And yes, if EVERYONE walked away from paying taxes that would be great, but it will never organically happen. I'd would be happy to "stop using their money" but again, not feasible at the current time.

We must operate in our current parameters. Anything else is wishful thinking.