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[–] 6 pts

Anything that exposes the low intelligence of niggers is "racist".

The entire concept of "racism" is a fraud. It was invented by jews as a cudgel to be used against Whites for daring to have standards, like the standards White kids need meet to graduate grade school. Standards retarded niggers can't meet.

Then replace a study hall with a remedial math class and hire another teacher or 2 per school and lower the administration pay to cover the cost since they are truly responsible in the long run for failure to educate a student properly. So drop that way to high salary and hire a couple retired math teacher to fill in the spots.

[–] 0 pt

" they are truly responsible in the long run for failure to educate a student properly."

Get the fuck out of here with that caved in head boomer tier BS.

They can't held responsible when their "students" are sub 80 IQ sub-Saharan retards. These niggers are biologically incapable of learning anything beyond the most rudimentary level. You can absolutely forget things abstract concept like mathematics. Trying to teach them is a waste of time and money. It would be like trying to teach a cat how to drive a car. Beyond that it is actually quite cruel to force them to try to learn.

Sure there are some the dwell on the high end of the IQ bell curve for negroes, especially those with partial White DNA, but for the vast majority, forget it.

[–] 5 pts

The burning question is, will they be taught precisely how mathematics has been used to normalize racism? Because I'm pretty sure if they have to teach how, they're just going to end up showing how racism is rational.

That gives me an idea for sneaking a based curriculum into public school. We can call it something "anti-racist," like showing how mathematics has been used to normalize racism. Then we go on to spend the whole school year studying all kinds of stats like IQ, crime rates, riots, and tendency towards violence. At the end of the year you just conclude, "and that's how whites have used mathematics to normalize racism. Just about anyone who isn't retarded will hear that as, "and that's why whites are right to be racist, and the math proves it."

[–] 1 pt

Just about anyone who isn't retarded will hear that as, "and that's why whites are right to be racist, and the math proves it."

Your talking about, mmmmm, maybe 15% of the population if your lucky.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

White People and their Racist Spins Wheel Mathematics!

White People and their racist spins wheel.... wheel spinning!

[–] 3 pts

This is already happening in many schools. Standardized testing is going away and being replaced with “a short essay about how the semester made you feel and your personal level of comfort with the material.” I wish I was joking.

[–] 3 pts

If you don't homeschool, you are committing child abuse

[–] 2 pts

This is what conservatism looks like in Canada. The Conservative Party holds the majority at 78 out of 124 seats and this is what they push. If mathematics is racist, why are all the top performers Chinese, Korean, and Indian? 2+2=5. We are in a full-scale Marxist takeover.

They don't want to give you stuff. They want stuff from you. They are the Neoliberals - those who would do anything for a gain. They would sell their mother. They are the Swamp that runs the World.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

That’s why our government was proud to launch a new curriculum that is focused on the job market, gives young people skills they can apply to their lives, to their households, to their personal budgeting, with an emphasis on financial literacy.

Lesson 1: Looting and Peaceful Protests using Algebraic Expressions (Lets get some new kicks, Tyrone)

If D'shawn and L'andreay need to buy his 3 kids and her 4 kids lunch from McDonalds, how many Nikes must they acquire and trade in order to get some 40oz malt liquors instead?

Extra Credit: calculate again but with L'andreay's babydaddy fighting her and then L'andreay needing to obtain bail money for firing a gat in public.

[–] 1 pt

Math is about logic and developing it, which is what these people lack in the first place.

I blame the teacher for not being able to show the students how the math logic works in laymen terms. It's the teachers not giving extra time and not being that smart for the problems with the students. In my day the teachers would keep you after school to make sure you got it, they gave a shit about the kids more than their jobs back then.

[–] 1 pt

They are literally indoctrinating kids to believe that math is racist. God help us.

[–] 0 pt

Well, while this is bad from a global competitive perspictive, this is actually EXCELLENT for our people.

We need to let these people teach our kids to become aware of race at the deepest level possible because this makes them a soft target for our messaging.

[–] 0 pt

The premier of Ontario is supposedly a conservative as well. "Conservative." Canada is fucked.

[–] 0 pt

Bush and Blumpff supposedly are too, lol

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