msm/google/faebook will sweep this under the rug and ignore it
The CDC should be renamed the Lysenko Center for Medical Politicization
Fap fap fap
ITS WORSE!!!! Its not 1% less SARS-2 detected in mask wearers!!! It the OPPOSITE effect!
11 Science papers proved its the OPPOSITE!!! A rigorous study of 2 thousand nurses, across 14 hospitals, showed that people who wear masks without fail for their work day vs people who do not or people who wear two fresh N95 all day, one fresh every 4 hours, proved with high confidence... WEARING MASKS INCREASED catching corona virus.
Science paper fact :
WEARING MASKS INCREASED catching corona virus, not decrease, many theories
Theories why masks INCREASES Sars-2 (covid-19) :
1 > face touching by mask wearers
2 > moist capture area for airborn to land by mask wearers
3 > face touching by mask wearers when sneezing coughing removing mask
4 > virus so small a n95 mask is pointless
5 > unknown
Masks do NOT work and millions of dollars and 60 studies trying to prove usefulness all show opposite. Over half the papers proving no use, never even get reviewed and publish.
over 10 hospitals in this study proved wearing a mask increases sars-2 (covid-19) :
Masks increase infection and death and sickness. It's called bacterial pneumonia. You get it from using a mask and rebreathing your exhaled air. The main culprit of deaths in the Spanish Flu pandemic .
(post is archived)