Dr. Martin made an intriguing comparison between the current series of forest fires and historical events like the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. While popular narratives label the Dust Bowl as an environmental catastrophe, Dr. Martin argues that it was actually a banking crisis aimed at crippling family farms to benefit industrial agriculture.
When you observe the puzzling behavior of those leading the scare campaign about CO2 emissions, it’s strange to see them allowing forest fires to ignite and spread unchecked. It makes you question their intentions, considering we’ve always been told that carbon dioxide is harmful. So why are they contributing to increased CO2 levels by allowing trees, which absorb carbon, to be destroyed?
“Well, the answer is land reappropriation,” Dr. Martin concluded.
Source Article (thegatewaypundit.com)
Dr. Martin made an intriguing comparison between the current series of forest fires and historical events like the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. While popular narratives label the Dust Bowl as an environmental catastrophe, Dr. Martin argues that it was actually a banking crisis aimed at crippling family farms to benefit industrial agriculture.
>When you observe the puzzling behavior of those leading the scare campaign about CO2 emissions, it’s strange to see them allowing forest fires to ignite and spread unchecked. It makes you question their intentions, considering we’ve always been told that carbon dioxide is harmful. So why are they contributing to increased CO2 levels by allowing trees, which absorb carbon, to be destroyed?
>“Well, the answer is land reappropriation,” Dr. Martin concluded.
[Source Article](https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/why-are-there-so-many-fires-dr-david/)
(post is archived)