(sorry for twitter link)
Here you go. (nitter.net)
Just replace "twitter" with "nitter" and ".com" with ".net" and you're good. Twitter.com becomes nitter.net.
Good to know. Thanks.
tampermonkey script
// ==UserScript==
// [@name](/u/name) Twitter to Nitter
// [@namespace](/u/namespace) http://tampermonkey.net/
// [@version](/u/version) 0.1
// [@description](/u/description) Redirect Twitter links to Nitter in order to avoid the splash screen while scrolling.
// [@author](/u/author) You
// [@match](/u/match) *://*.twitter.com/*
// [@match](/u/match) *://twitter.com/*
// [@grant](/u/grant) GM.xmlHttpRequest
// [@connect](/u/connect) reddit.com
// [@grant](/u/grant) GM_addStyle
// [@icon](/u/icon) 
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var reg = new RegExp('(.*)://((.*).)?twitter.com/(.*)');
if (reg.test(document.URL))
var newURL = 'https://nitter.net'+window.location.pathname;
window.location.href = newURL;
Thanks, prof. You're an educator. Twatter links are never necessary.
Little observation: They let me scroll endlessly when I'm signed into my Google acct but only let me see the first few messages when I'm not. (Box appears and wants me to create an account)
P.S.: Nice Addon that signs you out with one click. https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/google-signout/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search
(post is archived)