America is an absolute fuckin joke. Cant even control blm and the commies in the government even though they have means to rid them with their guns. Looks like simply owning guns isnt enough aye
The United states is a joke yes, but America is an idea and it is awesome.
The current corporate and corrupted version of the United states is garbage and completely unamerican.
Even if or when the current united states dies the American idea of a constitutional republic based on the rule of western law will live in the hearts and minds of people around the world. Freedom and liberty are inherent in the human spirit.
As it now stands we and our ancestors failed to keep the talmudic, noahide pushing, Zionists in check.
Make America the 110th
Make no mistake, BLM/Antifa are paramilitary groups of the communists currently controlling the government, media, tech, and banks.
BLM/Antifa are to the DNC as al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade is to Hamas
Looks like simply owning guns isnt enough aye
Americans haven't even shown up to the fight yet.
Keep trying to spread that demoralization and stay scared aus-fag.
Americans to fuckin lazy to show up to their own fight. Fuck your demoralization, you guys doing nothing is fucking demoralising to the world.
Americans to fuckin lazy to show up to their own fight. Fuck your demoralization,
Pure projection on your part. You say americans won't, I say americans just haven't yet. You say americans won't again, and then call anything else 'demoralization'.
Go back to fucking israel or china you fucking ingrate.
I can count on one hand the only people on our side that have any fucking comprehension about the logistics of resisting an occupation.
You want shit to go faster, fucking fund it yourself. Your demands are not my problem.
And as always remain peaceful, obey the law. is the watchword
Bullshit walks.
I've got this saved if anyone needs it let me know
Thats not an american. That is a jew.
Clearly a Jew who is speaking for us. Kikes are ruining everything.
I didn't know who he was. Charles Kupchan (
Indian tv guy "aka car warranty guy" did nothing wrong
Edited for being retarded with low reading comprehension skills
holocaust survivor is missing from the facts you need to know. I thought that was obvious.
I think I read that wrong. Is kupchan the Indian guy or the kike? I thought he was the Indian
The little street shitter dot head is on point. The zog controlled us is a joke.
Make America the 110th
Segregation and anti-talmudic Zionism will save the western world.
Makes you wonder if people around the world understand that a huge portion of ordinary gringos are against the Washington/ wall street imperialism.
Damn. I almost feel ashamed of having called them shitskins.
(post is archived)