So poking around a bit for updates, it seems as of 2020 85% of America's utility transformers come from over seas. There are some manufacturers in the US that do still create them from scratch in country though nowhere near enough.
There's a letter sent by their coalition to the DoE requesting assistance and pointing out a national vulnerability.
So poking around a bit for updates, it seems as of 2020 85% of America's utility transformers come from over seas. There are some manufacturers in the US that do still create them from scratch in country though nowhere near enough.
There's a letter sent by their coalition to the DoE requesting assistance and pointing out a national vulnerability.
Problem: they have to be built to order for the specific load/neighborhood/whatever. There aren't any 'spares' in a warehouse somewhere.
Problem: they have to be built to order for the specific load/neighborhood/whatever. There aren't any 'spares' in a warehouse somewhere.
(post is archived)