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[–] [deleted] 17 pts

His statement is going to make a lot of people,around the world, curious about what happened with the election. And that's a very good thing.

[–] 5 pts

Including here.

[–] 4 pts

What do you mean? We all knew what happened lol.

[–] 2 pts

Not all.

Remember, there are little antifa boys with nose rings and open-mouth, green haired girls who think they are Disney princesses thinking Putin is the evil wizard.

[–] 5 pts

pray you are right

but as an american I must say our constitution needs to forbid any international money going into our election. Or effecting them.

America will die die die and be gone within 25 years if they do not do this.

Politicians for example..... American congressional political shit stains on the universe.

Tell congressional politicians that they can do their pelosi insider trading all they want. But they must only invest in american companies. Who make things here in america. Who source american materials.

[–] 0 pt

The death started around the Civil War federal government got power... the jews stabbed the heart in 1911 with the federal reserve... they twisted it when they put in emergency income tax nation wide... the jews then killed millions of strong whites and sent ptsd ones home while spreading jews around the world...

Then they changed the country with the counter culture of the 60s the hippie fucks and then the big push was the changing of immigration policys in 1965....

Then it's been down hill the 9/11 false flag was the final piece to economic collapse with unpayable never ending nonsense wars aka the war on terrorism and the war on drugs thebwar on drugs lost in the 60s when the kikes started the color revolution

[–] 1 pt

this is going to get really bad

imagine 12 maxine waters

[–] 0 pt

Who was behind the coal wars.

[–] 1 pt

The collaboration of France and Germany (along with Italy) is known, but the involvement of Poland is a surprise.

[–] 12 pts

The citizens of Rome only became gradually aware that their empire had fallen.

[–] 3 pts

Eventually even the retards should be able to see all America's cities are already in ruins

[–] 4 pts

Eventually even the retards should be able to see all America's cities are already in ruins

That's what the leftards want. It is not incompetence or ignorance. It is malevolence. They want everything in the outside world to go to shit in order to match their inner worlds. That is the definition of a leftist.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

The citizens of the USA only became gradually aware that their empire had fallen.


[–] 0 pt

They were distracted and not even by msm or Netflix. Just food and games

[–] 9 pts

This is a deceptively edited video.

The overthrow of the elected whatever is a reference to the Ukrainian leader in 2014, not Trump in 2020.

The talking point is that Putin is pushing "the big lie" because, remember, to NPCs, Putin stole 2016 for Orange Hitler.

I wanted it to be legit too, but Putin is making a play to end the petrodollar and push Brazil, India, etc. to a mix of gold and bitcoin. There's simply no way his ex-KGB ass would stick his neck out like that.

[–] 3 pts

Sorry for the downvote, OP, but this needs to be off the front page. It's an enemy psy-op.

[–] 2 pts

The ref is clearly too 2014 Ukraine. This is absolutely delib out of context

[–] 6 pts

Are they not referring to the Ukrainian electiom in 2014...? This video is too short to draw any solid conclusions from.

[–] 2 pts

More than likely, yes. Seems obvious.

[–] 0 pt

It seems like someone is trying to push this Q narrative. At this point why would the Ukraine or Russia care about an election 5000 miles away.

[–] 4 pts

Yeah. Just what we need. An ambassador from a nation the world is frowning upon make such a claim

[–] 8 pts

You meant to say, "that the globohomo establishment is frowning upon."

[–] 2 pts

Like I said on another post about this...all this will do is cement ((their)) claim of Russian disinfo if anything damning related to the election is produced.

[–] 2 pts

i knew france and germany were involved, but what is up with poland?

[–] 2 pts

Actually not helpful. Just more fodder for the fucking liberals to use in the “Russian collusion” narrative.

[–] 1 pt

Only a retard would accept this as evidence and even more retards to upvote it. Downvoted for spam, misleading e.t.c

[–] 1 pt

That statement would have been more impactful if it came from a different source...

[–] 1 pt

Where's the lie?

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