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In 2004 the Baltic States were granted NATO membership. This put NATO on Russia’s border, something that was promised to never happen. Jame Baker assured Russia they would not pursue moving NATO eastward during meetings after the Berlin Wall fell. This secured Russia’s support for a united Germany.

In 2014 the US backed a coup of the democratically elected government. The new government was pro-west and this immediately caused chaos in Crimea and Donbass. Understandably Russia was not happy. Ukraine furthered the insult to Russia by cutting off the fresh water supply to Crimea.

This history needs to be understood to cut through the Western bias of most news sources. The West cannot act like they are blameless in the Ukrainian conflict.

Jumping forward a bit, we see Putin emboldened by what he perceives a weakened state of Western Nations. When Biden took office he took steps that made America dependent foreign oil again. Biden stopping the XL Pipeline and killing federal drilling leases was a huge blow to American oil independence. Meanwhile Biden also gave the green light to the Nord Steam 2 pipeline. Weakening the West and giving strength to Putin (something Trump warned about (youtu.be))

Now Putin did guess wrong at the West’s response to his invasion. He had to have thought he had Germany by the balls and they would continue to buy his natural gas. Surprisingly Germany had other ideas. Putin also likely did not think Biden’s Administration would risk rising oil prices by making meaningful sanctions.

Where do we go from here?

It is a bad situation on all sides. The US should stay out of it. America has already sent Ukraine over $1 Billion dollars. Dollars that could be better used at home. America needs to focus on energy independence again. Higher oil prices benefit Russia and hurt the US economy. You have to ask why we are allowing that?

The question isn’t what we should do to Russia, the question is why should we care? We never should have gotten involved in 2014 or allowed NATO expansion in 2004. We created this mess and now we bitch about Russia responding. It’s just more NeoCon bullshit if you ask me.

Biden kills XL pipeline / drilling https://insideclimatenews.org/news/21012021/biden-cancels-keystone-xl-and-halts-arctic-drilling-fossil-fuels/

Ukraine $1 Billion https://www.state.gov/additional-military-assistance-for-ukraine/

Nord Stream 2 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57180674

US broke NATO promise https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-shifrinson-russia-us-nato-deal--20160530-snap-story.html

2014 Ukraine Coup https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2018/06/04/how-and-why-the-u-s-government-perpetrated-the-2014-coup-in-ukraine/

Crimea water supply https://euromaidanpress.com/2021/03/13/water-shortages-in-occupied-crimea-now-so-great-moscow-likely-to-step-up-pressure-on-kyiv-kazarin-says/

@Professor_de_la_Paz @stupidbird @Intrinsic @0K @LakotaPride

In 2004 the Baltic States were granted NATO membership. This put NATO on Russia’s border, something that was promised to never happen. Jame Baker assured Russia they would not pursue moving NATO eastward during meetings after the Berlin Wall fell. This secured Russia’s support for a united Germany. In 2014 the US backed a coup of the democratically elected government. The new government was pro-west and this immediately caused chaos in Crimea and Donbass. Understandably Russia was not happy. Ukraine furthered the insult to Russia by cutting off the fresh water supply to Crimea. This history needs to be understood to cut through the Western bias of most news sources. The West cannot act like they are blameless in the Ukrainian conflict. Jumping forward a bit, we see Putin emboldened by what he perceives a weakened state of Western Nations. When Biden took office he took steps that made America dependent foreign oil again. Biden stopping the XL Pipeline and killing federal drilling leases was a huge blow to American oil independence. Meanwhile Biden also gave the green light to the Nord Steam 2 pipeline. Weakening the West and giving strength to Putin ([something Trump warned about](https://youtu.be/OXqZf72pAhk)) Now Putin did guess wrong at the West’s response to his invasion. He had to have thought he had Germany by the balls and they would continue to buy his natural gas. Surprisingly Germany had other ideas. Putin also likely did not think Biden’s Administration would risk rising oil prices by making meaningful sanctions. Where do we go from here? It is a bad situation on all sides. The US should stay out of it. America has already sent Ukraine over $1 Billion dollars. Dollars that could be better used at home. America needs to focus on energy independence again. Higher oil prices benefit Russia and hurt the US economy. You have to ask why we are allowing that? The question isn’t what we should do to Russia, the question is why should we care? We never should have gotten involved in 2014 or allowed NATO expansion in 2004. We created this mess and now we bitch about Russia responding. It’s just more NeoCon bullshit if you ask me. Biden kills XL pipeline / drilling https://insideclimatenews.org/news/21012021/biden-cancels-keystone-xl-and-halts-arctic-drilling-fossil-fuels/ Ukraine $1 Billion https://www.state.gov/additional-military-assistance-for-ukraine/ Nord Stream 2 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57180674 US broke NATO promise https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-shifrinson-russia-us-nato-deal--20160530-snap-story.html 2014 Ukraine Coup https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2018/06/04/how-and-why-the-u-s-government-perpetrated-the-2014-coup-in-ukraine/ Crimea water supply https://euromaidanpress.com/2021/03/13/water-shortages-in-occupied-crimea-now-so-great-moscow-likely-to-step-up-pressure-on-kyiv-kazarin-says/ @Professor_de_la_Paz @stupidbird @Intrinsic @0K @LakotaPride

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

The argument for killing Nordstream is weak: Russia sells the gas anyway. Nordstream is an alternative that was needed because the Ukrainians wanted too much money for the transfer, and because the Ukrainians endangered the flow of gas by refusing to maintain the pipelines.

Closing Nordstream has the same reason as closing Keystone: It forces energy intensive industry to move into China (where cheap Russian energy awaits them). It's not about Russia but part of the "green" new world order.

[–] 2 pts

You need to add

After the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution they outlawed the Russian language, and well.... they just made life for ethnic Russians miserable. That's why the 80% ethnic Russian Crimea separated. And why Eastern Ukraine voted to separate too.

Since the revolution, the Ukrainian government has been ethnically cleansing Ukraine of ethnic Russians. Attacking civilians, killing children, all in an attempt to get ethnic Russians to flee Ukraine.

So yeah, since the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, the Ukrainian government has been ethnically cleansing Russians out of Ukraine.

As for the Jew's role in this, there is "Khazaria 2.0". You can read more about that in this 2014 article (archive.fo).

[–] 0 pt

very nice.

Thank you

[–] 1 pt

Oh, I should have also added - Not only did they outlaw the Russian language, Russian language schools, etc. They removed all ethnic Russian judges, politicians, government officials, etc. They called it "Lustration". Lustration was done at the fall of the Soviet Union. Break away countries imprisoned, deported anyone who worked for the Communist party. Including (but not limited to) politicians, judges, and police.

But on the other hand, Ukrainians just wanted Ukraine for the Ukrainians. Without foreign influence. So can you blame them? Maybe they went about it the wrong way, but Ukraine should be for the Ukrainians.

To go into more detail - During Soviet times, they moved people around in order to make areas more diverse and less likely to unite and rise up against the Union. For example, by the fall of the Soviet Union, native Latvians represented only 52% of the population of their own country. In Estonia, the figure was 62%. Kazakhstan is only 30% Kazakh.

In Ukraine, they moved out Ukrainians and moved in Russians. Over time, all the ethnic Russians moved to cities/areas with more Russians, and the ethnic Ukrainians moved to areas more populated by Ukrainians. That's why Eastern Ukraine and Crimea are 70-80% ethnic Russian.

So should Ukrainians get to keep all of their homeland, or should they have to give up chunks of it to immigrants?

Also, that article about Khazaria 2.0 was written back in 2014. The path to their goal might change, but the end goal stays the same. Seize control of Ukraine, and make room for Jews who will freeload off of (what's left of) the Ukrainians.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

If you want to reach Normies, you'll have to use less than ~250 Characters.

Personally, I believe might makes right. I sometimes wonder if it's possible that 9/11 and other islamic terrorist attacks have over time in fact increased support for moslems among normies.

I've seen it so many times that people rationalize their attitude towards abrasive and abusive people. Oh he's just misunderstood.... oh he had a horrible childhood... oh he doesn't mean it like that....

People are afraid to mock moslems. They do not wish to appear as cowards. Therefore they rationalize their behavior, and tell you it's actually morally wrong to mock moslems.

If russia wins this conflict, we might suddenly see an influx of people realizing russia was simply misunderstood all along.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 1 pt

Yeah some details aside, such as a little lack of accurate dates and names, that always reinforce the persuasion side of things as in "this guy knows what he's talking about; he can name names and date shits" and shortcuts like "Jumping forward a bit..." "--to dodge what?", and assumptions such as "Biden also gave the green light to the Nord Steam 2 pipeline." (yeah more or less willingly...), the whole narrative holds water, let's leave it at that. Now indeed, let's not make it the focus of things here, from an american standpoint; not our fucking problem we're in deep shit at home <- that's the important part the american audience must realize, because the MSM wants americans to focus on ukraine one way or the other in the end, and that's not what REALLY matters for the american people; ukraine is a european thing, it's literally on the other side of the globe, there are more pressing issues at home, and the US needs as much of a military confrontation against russia as it needs a new asshole, on the forehead

[–] 1 pt

I can work on sourcing a bit better. I do agree that strengthens any argument.

Jumping forward a bit

I meant this only as moving forward in time, not as a means to skip over or dodge anything. Is there anything noteworthy between 2014 to current time that I should include?

not our fucking problem we're in deep shit at home <- that's the important part the american audience must realize, because the MSM wants americans to focus on ukraine one way or the other in the end, and that's not what REALLY matters for the american people; ukraine is a european thing, it's literally on the other side of the globe, there are more pressing issues at home, and the US needs as much of a military confrontation against russia as it needs a new asshole, on the forehead

Amen brother

[–] 1 pt

Is there anything noteworthy between 2014 to current time that I should include?

Yes, the Minsk agreement (and the failure of US and the EU to force Kiev to implement it), the constant shelling of the breakaway regions, and the moves of Ihor Kolomoyskyi (https://infogalactic.com/info/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi).

Kolomoyskyi is the Israel connection, he tries to restore a part of the Khazar empire (http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CK%5CH%5CKhazars.htm) and to create Little Israel in Europe. He owns the Azov Battalion as his private army, and he owns Zelensky.

[–] 1 pt

I don’t have specific links, I’ll add Corbett Report and Ryan Dawson found on BitChute/Rumble, are decent at digging thru history. The media/government lockdown of information relating to Ukraine pay to play, by our country, is hard to come by. You laid out a good foundation, hopefully someone has further input.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks for the comment. I'll give those channels a look.

[–] 1 pt (edited )
[–] 0 pt


Love substack.

[–] 1 pt

Great write-up, Titus. I don't know what to contribute to it. I'm still trying to understand what Putin hopes to get out of the invasion / minor incursion. Maybe he hopes a peace agreement will net him the two breakaway provinces in the east?

[–] 0 pt


I believe he wants Zelenskyy out and a pro-Russian government installed. He has destroyed the Dnieper dam allowing water to flow into Crimea again. I'm sure that was a goal all along.

He could have stopped at putting his forces on the border in Donetsk and Luhansk if securing those provinces were his only goal imo. He wants the Western influences out of Ukranie entirely and guarantees they will not be included in NATO and possibly the EU as well.

[–] 1 pt

I believe he wants Zelenskyy out and a pro-Russian government installed. He has destroyed the Dnieper dam allowing water to flow into Crimea again. I'm sure that was a goal all along.

Yeah, I can agree with you on both of those points. A pro-west government (especially a puppet government) is bad for Russia. I didn't know about the dam, but that makes perfect sense.

He could have stopped at putting his forces on the border in Donetsk and Luhansk if securing those provinces were his only goal imo. He wants the Western influences out of Ukranie entirely and guarantees they will not be included in NATO and possibly the EU as well.

That's what confuses me. My thinking is that he felt he needed to go further, then agree to only take Donetsk and Luhansk as part of a peace agreement. He'd accept just those two instead of a larger swath of land.

Then again, I could be talking out of my ass.

[–] 1 pt

then agree to only take Donetsk and Luhansk as part of a peace agreement.

Possible. I guess the two sides are sitting down for more talks, but I expect Russia to take Kiev to strengthen its bargaining position.

[–] 1 pt (edited )
  • You didn't the mass murder of pro Russia politicians and personalities and people during the bloody revolution.
  • mass murder of 13 Russians burned alive in Odessa in 2014
  • 14,000 Russian Ukrainians killed by Ukraine bombing and sniper firing since 2014
  • Russian language banned
  • Russian cultural symbols and teaching banned
  • Ethnic Russians beaten murdered raped since 2014
  • Militias threatening genocide against minority Russians (Azov for example)
[–] 1 pt (edited )

This put NATO on Russia’s border

NATO is a defensive organisation, no member can ever attack Russia without getting abandoned by the rest That doesn't mean it can't shit on puppet regimes like Syria, or create excuses to invade other countries, but Russia itself is safe.

This is Russia sensing weakness

We threw a shit ton of cash at Ukraine and they went to us for help. China threw a shit ton of cash at African niggers and they all vote China now. That's the game being played

If NATO wanted an excuse to site missiles along a border they would have dumped them all in Estonia by now. Missiles can fly, you can stick them all on the Eiffel Tower if you like, they can still "threaten" Russia

[–] 1 pt

Other than use the increase in gasoline prices against them, I have nothing to add. Nice set of links.

why would Putin think Biden would care about high oil prices.

[–] 0 pt

It is political suicide.

if Biden cared about political suicide a lot of his moves don't make sense, wrecking the economy with inflation causing policies is political suicide for example.

[–] 0 pt

We may never understand the ways of Biden.

[–] 0 pt

Oddly what has struck a nerve in my conversations, is show them Zelensky and Igor Kolomoisky properties AFTER Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz entered the arena of business in Ukraine. Zelenskys property in Florida is worth 34 million, His property in Italy 36 million, he purchased 5.6 million dollars of jewelry. Show them Kolomoisky is the GUY in control of our Chicago steel mills. A Jewish war criminal that hires Nazis, Kolomoisky needs to be dealt with. side note: when did oligarchy become expectable ? Did I miss the memo?

[–] 0 pt

You have any links I can check out in relation to this?

[–] 0 pt

These men are very dangerous and have a HUGE budget

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