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This and his prophecy of them removing him would end up causing a flood of niggers into Europe.

Thanks to @0k for finding the source video here

This and his prophecy of them removing him would end up causing a flood of niggers into Europe. Thanks to @0k for finding the source video [here](https://poal.co/s/WorldPolitics/429236/9ae4eded-c60e-4323-97e9-9c7192ff7667#cmnts)

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

The thing about the article is that they don't refute what Ghadafi said over a decade ago. These so called fact checker will employ strawman arguments or character assassinations to mislead readers. In this article they point to the "swine flu" as if previous virus scares before before the covid hoax were totally naturally occurring and there were no nefarious agendas behind them. It just further proves Ghadifi's statement. Then they attack his politics bringing up the Arab Spring and go as so far to call him a Marxist because he offered free medicine to his people. I'm guessing a 20 year old wrote this.