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[BALTOPS 22: A Perfect Opportunity for Research and Resting New Technology](https://web.archive.org/web/20220930082542/https://seapowermagazine.org/baltops-22-a-perfect-opportunity-for-research-and-resting-new-technology/) (archive.org) - https://nitter.net/KingBobIIV/status/1575200119838081025 --- [Russia already has all the materials and evidences that point to the role of the West in organizing and carrying out explosions at Nord Stream Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1575759357127573505/pu/vid/854x480/MeU2q3Om2ROuloPa.mp4) - https://nitter.net/coope125/status/1575759513319505920

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Europe is made of white people and other people jews hate and use as pawns.

Many will die from lack of heat.

Survivors will be pissed.

Russia will take the blame.

Russia and Europe will fight, killing off more whites.

US jews, who are in positions of power, will send off fellow white people to assist in the war effort, killing off the last whites.

Blacks think wandanka will be a reality in the usa, while south Africa will be the reality. They don't care, and will return wild when they start to starve, killing off more whites.

Jews laugh, return to Isreal, wait for China to invade the USA and do the dirty work. Chinese will kill off most of the blacks first and foremost, along with other undesirables that cause crimes and are non compliant.

Jews return to ungovernable USA, shape-shifting to white people, and taking over the non compliant whites.

Jews ban gun ownership and private property, while enslaving the rest.

[–] 0 pt

No brother wars...all we got to do is refuse to comply