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First job emails me today:

It looks like my job has chosen a more reasonable approach.

They're going to go by CDC guidelines, which are still gay and shitty, but at least they don't require that I poison myself:

•   All people who are not fully vaccinated should wear a mask in indoor public places.
•   Vaccinated people are also asked to wear a mask when working in an area of substantial or high transmission. 
•   In areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases, people should wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.
•   People who have a condition or are taking medications that weaken their immune system should continue to take all precautions recommended for unvaccinated people, including wearing a well-fitted mask, until advised otherwise by their healthcare provider.
•   Current procedures such as permitting the removal of masks in personal offices and cubicles along with restrictions in communal areas will continue.

My text later today after getting the email to that HR dingbat who texted me the first time:

I got that Email this morning regarding the vax.

It makes sense that the company would not buckle under to that Communist's authoritarian lunacy. Anyone who would adhere to that Luciferian plan deserves their consequent illnesses. If you agreed to poison yourself out of irrational fear of death...that's one thing. Most men are weak (not me) and fallible (and stupid, to boot). But if someone was such a frightened weasel and their personal integrity was so non-existent, that they let some politician and their job bully them into desecrating their own body...oh man do they deserve the consequences of that "decision." These people are not MEN--they're merely "males."

PT job just now!

Hey William, go online...print out and fill out the form for Religious exemption. Fill it out sign it and send it to me.....make sure u carry it with you....ty,

First job emails me today: It looks like my job has chosen a more reasonable approach. They're going to go by CDC guidelines, which are still gay and shitty, but at least they don't require that I poison myself: • All people who are not fully vaccinated should wear a mask in indoor public places. • Vaccinated people are also asked to wear a mask when working in an area of substantial or high transmission.  • In areas with high numbers of COVID-19 cases, people should wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated. • People who have a condition or are taking medications that weaken their immune system should continue to take all precautions recommended for unvaccinated people, including wearing a well-fitted mask, until advised otherwise by their healthcare provider. • Current procedures such as permitting the removal of masks in personal offices and cubicles along with restrictions in communal areas will continue. My text later today after getting the email to that HR dingbat who texted me the first time: I got that Email this morning regarding the vax. It makes sense that the company would not buckle under to that Communist's authoritarian lunacy. Anyone who would adhere to that Luciferian plan deserves their consequent illnesses. If you agreed to poison yourself out of irrational fear of death...that's one thing. Most men are weak (not me) and fallible (and stupid, to boot). But if someone was such a frightened weasel and their personal integrity was so non-existent, that they let some politician and their job bully them into desecrating their own body...oh man do they deserve the consequences of that "decision." These people are not MEN--they're merely "males." PT job just now! Hey William, go online...print out and fill out the form for Religious exemption. Fill it out sign it and send it to me.....make sure u carry it with you....ty,

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Lol golden. I live in communist Canada and work for shitty ass Amazon warehouses.

Unfortunately there's no way to not wear a mask they will just write you up with hr and 3 times your fired. You can't even walk in the building without getting a temperature check while wearing a mask these people are fucking insane. They even have a system to tattle on other people who aren't wearing their mask right ( ie having your nose or chin exposed or it on your chin). Thats right these people get 5-10$ gift cards for being gestapo shit heads. What a positive environment it is to have people subverting and telling on eachother behind their backs.

I already knew Amazon was a multicultural shithole but the lessons I learn about other races and large corporations at this job over the last year has been fucking mind blowing ( actually has taught me a shit ton of valuable lessons about managers, female coworkers, minority coworkers tho we know they ain't a fucking minority and dead end shit jobs in general). Anyone who actually does their job and puts their nose to the grindstone gets treated like shit and has more workload put on ( these people are always white/Caucasian and currently there's only 2 of them: me and another guy we do all the fucking work i swear with a crew of 14 people for fuck sakes). Anyone who is incompetent and can't speak a lick of English, communicate properly or do their job in any reasonable way falls upwards/gets promotions and moves their way up the company. These people are always black, indian, muslim or female ( never a white female tho) and can't even understand what the subordinates under them say in a simple sentence. 50% of the time they are also morbidly obese and Indian/pajeet street shitters with no social skills, no management skills and the only ability they seem to have is to be able to speak pathetically shitty broken English. I miss when jobs had some level of merit/work ethic connected to them.

Anyways I sorta got carried away there with the point of this story... So after almost a year and a half of wearing these fucking masks so I can actually pay rent in this cold ass climate and survive while the rest of these shit heads collected cerb for months (2000$ a month for hiding in their fucking homes cowering) I couldn't handle it anymore. My breathing was like diminished 50%. My cardio was fucked. I'm not super healthy have chronic pain and unfortunately take a high dose of opiates daily im trying to reduce. But I'm skinny as fuck and eat well and do my best to work out when I can handle it. Get alot of exercise from my warehouse job but I don't feel the returns due to these face diapers. So I said fuck it and got a bunch of those valves you see on masks. Ripped out the rubber valve inside so its just an open gap to breathe. I cut masks in the middle where my mouth is and put the valve right there.

Its actually fucking hilarious because I know my managers and coworkers know there's an open breathable gap in my mask where the valve is. Yet no one says anything because they don't have the balls to confront me. Don't get why none of them emulate me and instead impair their breathing for hours. So I've been breathing freely for the most part for months now while all the rest of these idiots have a 3 layer cloth mask on. Something I've noticed anecdotally thats pretty interesting is all my coworkers seem slow and dopey as shit. They seem like zombies and have no energy or reasoning. I've had arguments with my managers where they can't even seem to formulate an argument. I really wish I had thought of this a year earlier but I'm not sure it would have flown with the earlier hysteria. Not that I would have gave a shit I still would have done this if I'd thought of it earlier. The only positive thing about Amazon is unlike every other job in my province Amazon hasnt mandated the vaccine or asked about it at all which sort of suprised me when every other job seems to be requiring it. They are paying people 50$ for each dose but don't seem to be logging it for punitive actions whatsoever. Maybe thats coming though in like 6 months or something. Sure as fuck hope it isn't. Swear to God I'm the only unvaccinated person in that whole warehouse.