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The cutoff for Vax in NYC is the 27th. I am still at my regular job---although "corporate" is supposed to review what they want to do with me and my religious exemption. I think all of those people are probably off until after New Year's, so I'll feel more confident that I have retained my job if I'm still working on January 2nd or January 3rd. Right now, there is still a possibility that they're merely letting me finish out the year until HR moves on me. I think my chances of retaining my main job are favorable. I feel it is 65/35 in my favor.

My PT gig announced the day before the vax mandate went into effect that they were demanding a vax card. This job feels less likely to be retained. I'd like to stay because I'm used to it, but they don't pay very well, so I'll be fine if they let me go. I'll probably find a replacement job in 5-7 days and it may pay a couple of pennies more, as well.

So, I will likely have kept my main job, but lost income. Luckily, through some shifting of assets, my watch debt is now down to $2500. However, with just that one job, it will likely take at least 2.5 or 3 months to be able to pay that off.

My boy also got the hard line mandate notice from his management company and he ended up getting a vax card (no vax), but I think one of his co-workers will rat him out to the city. They're already making comments that they notice disparity in his claiming not to have been vaxed and then having a vax card that says he has received two shots back in October.

There were several reasons I didn't get a fake vax card. For one, fuck all of these jobs and the kinds of "males" who work at them. All of these fucking nancies are scared of losing their precious, little beancounter jobs because they allowed themselves to get leveraged by Jews and consequently enslaved. I didn't leverage myself and I also didn't get shit from my family; the little bit I have, I got entirely on my own. Mommy and Daddy didn't buy me my apartment or my watches--or anything, really. I made it in the big city all by myself by being tough, smart and uncompromising and I'm not going to bitch up to these Communists like the rest of these faggots--and that includes compromising myself morally through duplicity or chicanery. Plus: I don't even want people to think that I complied with this shit. That's bad for my brand and it also does not inspire other men to stand up for themselves. If they see me buckle under to this bullshit, then they'll be even more hopeless and demoralized and the creeps and cowards who surround me at work and home get to feel like they finally broke me and won.

Also, all of this vax shit is a matter of record. If we continue to live under medical tyranny (we probably will as it is now one of the main tools of the Communist/Authoritarian ruling class to track and oppress people), then eventually, they'll match your vax number to your name like a SS#. They have already caught cops in NYC doing this and they were suspended. If the government wants to, they can charge you with a Class D (low-grade) Felony for "Possession of a Forged Instrument" and give you jail time and a criminal record.

The cutoff for Vax in NYC is the 27th. I am still at my regular job---although "corporate" is supposed to review what they want to do with me and my religious exemption. I think all of those people are probably off until after New Year's, so I'll feel more confident that I have retained my job if I'm still working on January 2nd or January 3rd. Right now, there is still a possibility that they're merely letting me finish out the year until HR moves on me. I think my chances of retaining my main job are favorable. I feel it is 65/35 in my favor. My PT gig announced the day before the vax mandate went into effect that they were demanding a vax card. This job feels less likely to be retained. I'd like to stay because I'm used to it, but they don't pay very well, so I'll be fine if they let me go. I'll probably find a replacement job in 5-7 days and it may pay a couple of pennies more, as well. So, I will likely have kept my main job, but lost income. Luckily, through some shifting of assets, my watch debt is now down to $2500. However, with just that one job, it will likely take at least 2.5 or 3 months to be able to pay that off. My boy also got the hard line mandate notice from his management company and he ended up getting a vax card (no vax), but I think one of his co-workers will rat him out to the city. They're already making comments that they notice disparity in his claiming not to have been vaxed and then having a vax card that says he has received two shots back in October. There were several reasons I didn't get a fake vax card. For one, fuck all of these jobs and the kinds of "males" who work at them. All of these fucking nancies are scared of losing their precious, little beancounter jobs because they allowed themselves to get leveraged by Jews and consequently enslaved. I didn't leverage myself and I also didn't get shit from my family; the little bit I have, I got entirely on my own. Mommy and Daddy didn't buy me my apartment or my watches--or anything, really. I made it in the big city all by myself by being tough, smart and uncompromising and I'm not going to bitch up to these Communists like the rest of these faggots--and that includes compromising myself morally through duplicity or chicanery. Plus: I don't even want people to think that I complied with this shit. That's bad for my brand and it also does not inspire other men to stand up for themselves. If they see me buckle under to this bullshit, then they'll be even more hopeless and demoralized and the creeps and cowards who surround me at work and home get to feel like they finally broke me and won. Also, all of this vax shit is a matter of record. If we continue to live under medical tyranny (we probably will as it is now one of the main tools of the Communist/Authoritarian ruling class to track and oppress people), then eventually, they'll match your vax number to your name like a SS#. They have already caught cops in NYC doing this and they were suspended. If the government wants to, they can charge you with a Class D (low-grade) Felony for "Possession of a Forged Instrument" and give you jail time and a criminal record.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Get out of ny fag