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Apparently my boss just made masks manditory again. I worked a shift with everyone else wearing them, but I didn't want to push the subject. I'm just not going to wear one again. I hadn't gotten a memo like everyone else did apparently. But my manager on duty on that shift is very anti-mask so he was happy to not say anything to me about it. But I'm not going to get the same luck of the draw continually, and today the issue may come to a head. Besides him we have some absolute covid obsessed idiots on management. I happen to be the star employee there so we will see if they are willing to toss literally their only trainer away over a mask that does absolutely nothing. Something tells me they still might.

I may be a free man in about an hour or two.

Apparently my boss just made masks manditory again. I worked a shift with everyone else wearing them, but I didn't want to push the subject. I'm just not going to wear one again. I hadn't gotten a memo like everyone else did apparently. But my manager on duty on that shift is very anti-mask so he was happy to not say anything to me about it. But I'm not going to get the same luck of the draw continually, and today the issue may come to a head. Besides him we have some absolute covid obsessed idiots on management. I happen to be the star employee there so we will see if they are willing to toss literally their only trainer away over a mask that does absolutely nothing. Something tells me they still might. I may be a free man in about an hour or two.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I happen to be the star employee there

Every time...

Why is it people always say this kind of thing?

If everyone is a star employee, then no one is.

Anyway, onto your issue:

The science: cloth masks don't work. In fact, some studies show that it may make it worse. It becomes a petri dish to grow more microbes.

Surgical masks are hit or miss. Many showing no effectiveness and some showing moderate effectiveness. The highest quality studies, the peer reviewed Random Control Trials, show no effectiveness.

Respirators without valves: these show effectiveness against VRIs including coronavirus but the studies are also hit or miss, here. When properly fitted and careful protocols followed, these masks may provide a moderate benefit. The quality RCTs show no benefit when all variables are controlled for. So, of all the masks, this one probably does provide a slight benefit. Slight. Probably. But it is not realistic for people doing blue collar work. You WILL get short of breath and it may cause you to pass out. If you are anemic or have other issues, it could cause a stroke. Crazy, right? Respirators are not for everyone.

Omicron resists natural immunity and significantly resists the vaccines but both are still effective at protecting you from severe illness and death. Omicron is not as deadly as Alpha or Delta.

At work, you're better off following sanitary practices and not breathing in each other's personal spaces than wearing masks. Also, not being a fatass is likely the best thing you can do to protect yourself from the virus.

If you're working indoors on a shared ventilation system, social distancing and masks are useless according to MIT research released this spring.

So there's the science.

[–] 3 pts

It's not hard to be a star employee anymore because most employees are lazy "get through the day" people. Just being on here and not being an NPC puts them ahead of the average worker drone.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Exactly. I'm not amazing. Everyone else just sucks. It sounds arrogant to say, but it is an unfortunate truth of our place lately.

I'm far from as good as I want to be. No one should be. If you don't see room for growth in yourself, you are bad at your job. But part of that humility is what causes people to grow. And because I've grown and also don't treat people like a dickhead management practically worships me, because I seem to be the only one with that trifecta of having a brain, being at least good at what I do, and not being cancerous to everyone around me. We've had no option but to hire absolute lemons lately. Everyone else unfortunately fails on at least one of those fronts. I'm a star employee not from my own perspective, but theirs. I'm willing to spend some of that reputation on not suffocating myself doing a rather physical job that requires me to be able to breeth.

I'm also not the only good employee they've ever had. We used to have a lot of them. I'm the last employee with those three traits left. If I were to depart it would mark the begining of an era of having no employees they can implicitly rely on.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah I've seen that too. Bullshit policies and bad decisions drive out the good people and the ones that stay don't care so you end up with a building full of low quality people.

Most of my standing out at work had more to do with a stable healthy lifestyle then anything else. I always got 8-9 hours of sleep, I always exercised in the morning before work and I meditated 2x a day. So I was peaking in energy and focus from the second I stepped in the door and rode an endorphin high for most of the day from intense workouts. Meanwhile my co-workers just woke up and are guzzling coffee trying to get moving for half the day.

[–] 3 pts

Idk. In a world of lemmings its fairly likely that anyone who is aware of what is going on is also one of the better employees at their workplace.

[–] 1 pt

Touché, I really can't disagree with this at all.

[–] 2 pts

I lost taste for 2 weeks- cough and congestion. No fever. Did i get covid? Guy at work was off for 2 weeks at the same time.

[–] 0 pt

Yeah, you probably got COVID-19.

For almost all (you read that correctly: almost all) healthy people of any age, it's a cold. Mild to moderate seasonal cold.

[–] 0 pt

If everyone is a star employee, then no one is. May well be the only white guy and does half the work for the entire team himself. More common than you'd think.