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So, as some of you may know, I’m almost certainly losing my job due to not taking the vax in NYC. 2 days ago, I cited religious beliefs for an exemption.

Tonight, at 10:55 PM, I was approached by a clean cut Black guy just two blocks from my job. I tried to avoid him, but the street I had to cross hadn’t changed the light yet for me to walk across.

He said he wanted to invite me to a church that was about 3 blocks away. I was trying to get away from him, but he persisted. As the light changed, I told him: “No thanks. I’m non-denominational—-I study on my own.” He seemed to persist, but I was already crossing the street.

I haven’t been approached by a Jehovah’s Witness or a Mormon in many months and not at 11PM. It is highly possible that he was just trying to spread the Lord’s word in Manhattan at an odd time, but the timing with my vax issue, the time he approached me and so close to my job makes me wonder if it was a P.I. hired by my job to find our if I’m on the up and up. I actually had a couple of similar situations at jobs before and nothing came of it because just like now, I’m telling the truth so they have nothing on me.

So, as some of you may know, I’m almost certainly losing my job due to not taking the vax in NYC. 2 days ago, I cited religious beliefs for an exemption. Tonight, at 10:55 PM, I was approached by a clean cut Black guy just two blocks from my job. I tried to avoid him, but the street I had to cross hadn’t changed the light yet for me to walk across. He said he wanted to invite me to a church that was about 3 blocks away. I was trying to get away from him, but he persisted. As the light changed, I told him: “No thanks. I’m non-denominational—-I study on my own.” He seemed to persist, but I was already crossing the street. I haven’t been approached by a Jehovah’s Witness or a Mormon in many months and not at 11PM. It is highly possible that he was just trying to spread the Lord’s word in Manhattan at an odd time, but the timing with my vax issue, the time he approached me and so close to my job makes me wonder if it was a P.I. hired by my job to find our if I’m on the up and up. I actually had a couple of similar situations at jobs before and nothing came of it because just like now, I’m telling the truth so they have nothing on me.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Maybe you are schizophrenic.

[–] 2 pts

This is the correct answer.

[–] 4 pts

I'd assume he was just trying to mug you, but that would be racist.

[–] 0 pt

Nah. I would assume that in a less tourist-y area. This would be a pickpocket at best.

[–] 0 pt

So then you haven't seen the spate of daylight armed muggings in front of upscale hotels in Philadelphia recently?

[–] 0 pt

Nope. I believe it, though, because Philly is full of junkies.

I am advanced in age, but I walk with a purpose, I look a little younger than I am and I’m 6’7” and barrelchested. Probably the least desirable mark in the crowd. Plenty of female tourists aimlessly wandering about for that.

[–] 1 pt

Did he look like this? (pic8.co)

He could have been trying to lead you to a secluded place to rob the shit out of you.

Or not.

Even though I'm confident I could tell the difference, I'd still be extremely uneasy about it. Probably more well versed in the hood and niggers than most people around here, unfortunately. Attended black churches many many times in my younger days, regularly hung out with the low-lifes too. Those days are long gone, I'd never try to step foot in the city limits of the D these days.

[–] 1 pt

Not a robbery. 100% sure of that. If I did a 360 degree turn from where I was standing, there were probably 75 people within 100 foot radius and 75+ on the entire length of the block we were standing on.

[–] 0 pt

Maybe you imagined the whole thing

[–] 0 pt

Totally. You’re right. Completely impossible to be approached someone in the middle of Manhattan. Silly me.

[–] 0 pt

Sadly, you have no way of knowing the truth. You might be imagining this comment, too.

[–] 0 pt

I always give a generic answer when approached about religion.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 0 pt

Invite you to a church at 11 pm?

I like to humor people, because I find it humorous and I’ve got no humor incoming anymore. But does not someone have somewhere they need to go at 11pm? 3 blocks in wrong direction in NY is quite a long ways too.

I wouldn’t let him go till I got enough info to confirm my suspicions. He would have been interrogated while I humored the idea until I confirmed my suspicions.

[–] 0 pt

Good point, but I didn’t have the desire or the time.