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[–] 1 pt

This is only true for places like poal.

Hardly. Normiecon twitter is in full fuck trannies mode. The average normiecon was already getting tired of trannies, this was just icing on the cake. The tranny reaction to it (REEE the media is misgendering the shooter! "He" is the real victim!) has made them hate trannies even more.

Even still, everyone is readyt to start killing each other. Not the puppet masters, but the puppets themselves.

Killing your enemies is how you win. Do you think that the kikes' soldiers (Antifa, niggers, trannies etc) are just going to get out of the way if they learn the truth? Hardly.

Ever heard of Stategy of Tension?

Yeah I saw it. I think it's retarded in this context. There is no "dividing" us from people that already hate us, and we them. Those of us who are already anti-tranny/kike/nigger are not going to be clinging to "authority figures" since all authority figures in the West are pro-kike, pro-nigger and pro-tranny. You could argue that for the right wing the "authority figures" are cuckservative grifters like Ben Shitpiro, but even among the most cucked retard boomercons, they're not going to suddenly start liking trannies again if Shitpiro tells them to.

[–] 2 pts

Hmm, you seem to have a balanced take on these sort of things... care to read my above comment and give thoughts on it? It's long as fuck, I'll condense it here:

I have trouble believing that massive events like this can be staged because of many factors, primarily- too many people will have knowledge of it being fake. There are so many variables, so many moving parts to a conspiracy this massive, that ONE person growing a conscience and leaking something could destroy the entire fucking system. I don't think "the system" would take risks like this, not this tremendous.

Compartmentalization is the only way to make something like this work- all the editors and producers who work on the footage are just hired by some glownigger front operation to "edit some footage for w/e". This method was famously used for the Manhattan Project, where all the people manufacturing the components of the bombs had no idea they were working on the atomic bomb- they were only given enough info necessary to fulfill their roles.

I just don't think this is reasonably possible in current year, though. Cell phones, internet, etc., too much to control, too many people to be watching over, it seems like it'd be fucking impossible. Imagine 12 men know this shooting was staged. Chances are, ONE of them will eventually grow a conscience, right? Leak something somehow... I don't know. I don't put it passed the government to stage shit, I'm certain they do this- I just don't think they're competent enough to stage shit on a massive scale like this shooting would've required.

9/11 was probably the last major, well-compartmentalized conspiracy which used foreign glowniggers to plant bombs, and possibly unmanned planes to crash into the buildings. It's still hard to believe there aren't a shit load of politicians who know the truth, can prove it, and none have come forward... they'd be literal heroes, gods to people like us. They'd probably be murdered, but that would only martyr them, which is probably the worst thing that could happen in a scenario like this.


[–] 0 pt

I pretty much agree with that, I think one possibility is that people like this troon are MK Ultra'd in some fashion and they just let the chips fall where they may in terms of the "asset" choosing targets, methods of attack etc. It's definitely going to be difficult to have a compartmentalization scheme for anyone involved that actually does the attacks, as crazies tend not to follow orders well, especially if they know it's a one way ticket.

For other sorts of things like providing faked video and the like, that becomes a murky area where they could potentially have people working on it who think its for a TV show or something, but even that you would think they would realize when they watched the result. At the same time a LOT of normies don't bother looking into these things at all, so maybe they just don't bother watching the videos that come out of these things, but it would be a stretch for intelligence agencies to rely heavily on that being the case IMO.

9/11 was probably the last major, well-compartmentalized conspiracy which used foreign glowniggers to plant bombs, and possibly unmanned planes to crash into the buildings. It's still hard to believe there aren't a shit load of politicians who know the truth, can prove it, and none have come forward... they'd be literal heroes, gods to people like us. They'd probably be murdered, but that would only martyr them, which is probably the worst thing that could happen in a scenario like this.

That's pretty much what I think happened, with all of those involved being glowniggers or assets themselves and not caring either because 1) they agree with the aims of those doing it, and/or 2) the ZOG having blackmail on them, such as pedo-shit. Plus at this point anyone who comes forward would be summarily ending their public "normal" life if they came forward. However, some have definitely come forward on 9/11 over the years, one that comes to mind is Sybel Edmonds who was an FBI agent and warned about things related to the attack, and was ignored. And of course she's considered a "crazy conspiracy theorist" now because of speaking out. So there's definitely incentive to keep these things hidden even among those who may not be "in on" the conspiracy.

They've definitely gotten better at scrubbing information after the fact, such that you have to be quick to archive everything before it's just poof gone off the mainstream internet, than back in 2001. I was redpilled by 9/11 itself so it's been interesting watching the subsequent happenings and how they treat them.

As for relating this all back to the troon child-killer, I personally don't think it was a glow-op in the sense many people are saying just because I think we've all been wondering how long until one of these nutcase troons goes postal and does something horrible.

Plus of course we've seen the media downplay and misdirect on this one and the previous 3 trannies/fags that did shootings. That to me is a signal that these events go against the narrative and they are instead controlling the messaging after the fact.

[–] 1 pt

Interesting thoughts, I appreciate the conversation.

Something that strikes me as odd about the troon shooting is just how fast we got all of the footage. All of it, like the same fucking day it happened. This makes it seem like it was prepared or something, police are never this transparent, especially when dead children are involved.

We have literally all of the footage of this one, from the bitch arriving, shooting her way in, all the way up to her getting shot 8 times. Remarkably, they even show what appears to be the corpse of a little girl in the hallway- this is extremely unusual, as police departments/feds tend to pretend to care about the children so much, they don't want anyone to see the uncensored footage of them dead/dying/being killed. Fuck, they removed the audio from the Uvalde hallway camera footage, allegedly because they didn't want us to "hear the children being killed". That made me really suspicious, made me question whether there was any shooting even happening...

But here we are with this one, with ALL of the info in our hands in less than two fucking days. Pretty wild.