Dear owner, I realize as a born straight white male, you would never accept me as your tolerence is only for other people exactly like you, so I will not try to spend money in your establishment.
Theres a tiny BBQ place I drive by and always thought about goin in. Until they hung the pride/tranny flag and "All are welcome" crap... lll keep on passin...
If I remember Ill take a pic on my way home tomorrow of another one, will have to make a special stop though.
I took a picture of this while I was stopped in traffic, but I found this online which is a much better shot of the flags.
This is why we cant have nice things.
But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay."
We are doomed as a race.
We aren’t allowed to advocate for ourselves anymore. Our ancestors’ accomplishments are being erased or tainted. Our near term history is shoved in our face with a spotlight on anything negative. Our core values are being fractured….
Until we get control of media back, the less strong won’t be able to see how we are being attacked, and will continue to see our existence as a negative. Those are the fools paying 2x as much…because they believe it’s their burden to do so.
(post is archived)